Weight Watchers - Jenny Craig

Was considering joining one of these, never thought I would have too. Anyone have sucess with these programs?
what was the pros and cons...



  • sezie
    sezie Posts: 26 Member
    In lost my first 30lbs with Weight Watchers.

    Pros: it teaches you about food and nutrition and how to track everything on a daily basis. I found it easier than counting calories in the beginning.

    Cons: it costs money. Sometimes their database is lacking in certain food items(My Fitness Pal has a MUCH bigger database).

    I lost the rest of my weight through using My Fitness Pal, which is free. But I do think Weight Watchers definitely helped me get the wheels in motion and realise exactly what I was putting in my mouth.
  • SummerRain43
    I've never tried WW so I can't comment.....but I did do Jenny Craig years ago and all I lost was approximately $500!!!
  • eatspopcorn
    eatspopcorn Posts: 63 Member
    I signed up with WW numerous times over the years, never really had success and always cancelled because I couldn't afford to pay for something I either wasn't using or wasn't working for me. I like MFP better. It took me a while to get used to counting calories, plan out my day and all but once I got the hang of it I prefer this method. No foods are off-limits unless you have an intolerance or sensitivity to something. This is truly not a diet, but a lifestyle change and teaches you how to eat for the rest of your life.
  • neelia
    neelia Posts: 750 Member
    I currently attend WW meetings but do not follow the WW plan- I simply count calories. It is MUCH easier to me to count calories than it is to calculate points. I only attend the meetings in an attempt to make friends who have similar interests as me (which, really, is losing weight and being healthy) and to keep myself motivated.
    In my opinion, you should save your money on either program and find some supportive friends on MFP.
  • kwantlen2051
    kwantlen2051 Posts: 455 Member
    Tried Jenny Craig & Weight Watchers before and quit. Too costly and no time to go to weekly meetings. So glad I found MFP. Nothing off limits, just be honest, log everything and make yourself accountable. Plus great support on this site.
  • caroldavison332
    caroldavison332 Posts: 864 Member
    Weight Watchers seemed to be obsessed about food. That didn't seem healthy so I stopped going. Now play with my dog and our friends at the dogpark instead which is great fun and healthy.
  • Dogwalkingirl
    Dogwalkingirl Posts: 320 Member
    I know people who have had great success with Weight Watchers but basically as far as I can see it is basic calorie counting anyhow. I don't understand the point in paying to do that when you can do it here for free? They do have the weigh ins so maybe some people need that. I have two girlfriends also trying to lose weight and we weigh in on Saturdays. I believe with Jenny Craig you have to pay for food??? No thanks!

    I suggest you stick with this and weigh in once a week or so for motivation.
  • claudie08
    claudie08 Posts: 159 Member
    I've been on WW numerous times over the years - some with success and other times nothing - and I've gained every pound back.
    I know people who've had success with it and are maintaining, but for me, it was just alot of money out the window.
  • tjsoccermom
    tjsoccermom Posts: 500 Member
    A long time ago, like almost 20 years (holy cow!) I did Jenny Craig. I was looking to lose weight before I my wedding. This was before the internet and I was rather clueless about diet and exercise. I will say that I did lose weight, around 25 lbs if I remember correctly. However, I didn't keep it off afterwards. Because I was eating their prepackaged foods, I wasn't really learning how to calorie count, use proper portion sizes or cook healthily. I would not suggest it. You'll probably lose if you stick to it but you will probably also gain it back. Plus, it's not cheap!

    I can't speak for WW as I've not done it but it does seem just like another way to count calories. I do know that the weekly meetings do help some but I feel like making MFP friends and the forums provide just as much motivation as that would.

    I've now lost 59 lbs using MFP, counting calories with their app and exercising. You can do it on your own and you'll be learning how to form habits to use the rest of your life. Best of luck with whatever you decide to do.
  • David_AUS
    David_AUS Posts: 298 Member
    I would definitely recommend Weight watchers to anyone considering eating healthier. Jenny Craig - I have not tried I would prefer to make my own food choices and always felt that you become dependent on their system.

    Weight Watchers- was the trigger for me to lose the majority of my weight initially (around 90lbs I shed through monitoring my calories with their system - you can / could do the same here in MFP)

    * Simple system - makes estimations of food (even when eating out drop dead simple)
    * Makes you accountable with weigh in's (usually weekly)
    * Have a great "reward" system (they offer pins etc... for accomplishments) - for mini goals along the way
    * (Relatively) cost effective - serve to educate in food choices
    * Once you "know" the system you do not have to remain a member you can continue to follow the principles without going to their meetings etc... (this is what I did and I tracked in my own excel spreadsheet)
    * Great support structure and understanding staff (from my experience)
    * I am not sure whether they still do this but membership was "free" in AU for the non-online version if you remained in your healthy weight range? IE: You kind of become a mentor at the meetings
    * Cost - there will always be a cost involved
    * Time - you still need to be logging your intake (monitoring points)
    * Time - to learn their system, the maths is not difficult but it does take a little bit to get use to.

    I think you will find it redundant to monitor calories in here and WW-Points I quickly searched WW points and importing into MFP and found (not read) this posting

  • auntiebabs
    auntiebabs Posts: 1,754 Member
    Was considering joining one of these, never thought I would have too. Anyone have sucess with these programs?
    what was the pros and cons...


    Everyone I know who has done WW has lost, but ended up gaining it back plus more.
    I have one friend who started out at a healthy weight, and ratcheted took more severe measures to lose. It seems to me such an unsustainable unhealthy cycle.

    I know a couple of people who have done Jenny Craig as well, that process seemed more sensible to me... but both of them ended up gaining back the weight as well... So who's to say.

    I HATE, HATE, HATE the idea of "jump starting" your diet... eat sensibly, track your nutrition as well as your calories and be patient and results will follow. Make sure you have a reasonable goal (I know BMI isn't perfect but it's a good place to start for most of us. I shave 10lbs off of the top end and 10lbs off of the bottom end of the scale. As a safety zone. If I get sick or life gets out of control for a bit I've got 10lbs wiggle room at each end of the spectrum)

    It's the long haul that is important. It's not the first one to the finish line that wins. It's the one who can be the healthiest the longest. YOLO.... you only get one body, no trade-ins. I want it to feel good, so I can go out and have fun for as long as I can.

    I want to be capable and dance and run and swim and kayak and climb trees and backpack and throw my niece and nephews in the air. I don't want my body to stop me from living my life. But I also don't want dieting to take over my life... (Balance is so damn hard.)

    My, my, my seems I had a little over zealous outburst here... Oh, well what ever you choose stay safe and GOOD LUCK!
  • Fridaklo77
    Fridaklo77 Posts: 124
    Thank you all for your feedback, I think I am going to give MFP a shot first....
  • Fridaklo77
    Fridaklo77 Posts: 124
    Was considering joining one of these, never thought I would have too. Anyone have sucess with these programs?
    what was the pros and cons...


    Everyone I know who has done WW has lost, but ended up gaining it back plus more.
    I have one friend who started out at a healthy weight, and ratcheted took more severe measures to lose. It seems to me such an unsustainable unhealthy cycle.

    I know a couple of people who have done Jenny Craig as well, that process seemed more sensible to me... but both of them ended up gaining back the weight as well... So who's to say.

    I HATE, HATE, HATE the idea of "jump starting" your diet... eat sensibly, track your nutrition as well as your calories and be patient and results will follow. Make sure you have a reasonable goal (I know BMI isn't perfect but it's a good place to start for most of us. I shave 10lbs off of the top end and 10lbs off of the bottom end of the scale. As a safety zone. If I get sick or life gets out of control for a bit I've got 10lbs wiggle room at each end of the spectrum)

    It's the long haul that is important. It's not the first one to the finish line that wins. It's the one who can be the healthiest the longest. YOLO.... you only get one body, no trade-ins. I want it to feel good, so I can go out and have fun for as long as I can.

    I want to be capable and dance and run and swim and kayak and climb trees and backpack and throw my niece and nephews in the air. I don't want my body to stop me from living my life. But I also don't want dieting to take over my life... (Balance is so damn hard.)

    My, my, my seems I had a little over zealous outburst here... Oh, well what ever you choose stay safe and GOOD LUCK!
    I am thankful for all your comments , this really made sense, my problem is that i want things to happen overnight! I get so sad getting on the scale, and I think I am sick of starting and stopping and seeing how awful i look in the mirror...But, you made sense, and i need to wake up and do the work!
  • David_AUS
    David_AUS Posts: 298 Member
    .. I will say that when I was on WW this was pre- "Fruits have no points" etc... the main reason I did not go back to WW was that the old system was all book based and probably outdated for current grocery lines and I heard about the "No points" for fruit and I intrinsically did not agree with this and did not want to learn the new system - so that is why I am here instead!
  • craftywitch_63
    craftywitch_63 Posts: 829 Member
    I did WW and nutrisystem. I lost weight with both. The problem was keeping the weight off after I couldn't afford the program anymore. Nutrisystem is convenient but so is going to the grocery store and buying lean cuisine or healthy choice meals.
  • David_AUS
    David_AUS Posts: 298 Member
    Everyone I know who has done WW has lost, but ended up gaining it back plus more.
    I have one friend who started out at a healthy weight, and ratcheted took more severe measures to lose. It seems to me such an unsustainable unhealthy cycle.

    I must be one of the more determined few :) I am determined never to be that weight again! and WW was part of my early journey - I knew some foods were calohorific, and it was when I could compare foods in a book Points against points that I could see just how calhorific potato crisps, flavoured milk and a few other foods that I was eating with little thought really are!

    I am grateful for work running the "weight watchers @ work program" and the wonderful young lady that ran our sessions at the time. This really changed my life.
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    Joined WW in the past, did not like it. The meetings were annoying, the leader was a loud know-it-all. Quit after just 3 mod. I do much better on myfitnesspal and exercise.
  • Roaringgael
    Roaringgael Posts: 339 Member
    Jenny Craig is very expensive and their food gets monotonous - they don't teach enough about calorie control preferring to keep you a bit ignorant and dependent on them. I have lost weight with them though. Couldn't recommend it, its too expensive.
    WW works but costs money, great if you want to met people etc.
    Any thing will work if you want to it to.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    It would seem that with WW you're just counting points instead of calories and you have to pay for that for some reason. MFP is free and easy and I think you can actually learn a lot more about nutrition should you go beyond simply counting calories.
  • Snow__White
    Snow__White Posts: 1,650 Member
    i did JC about 8 yrs ago only lost 10 lbs and gained it all back plus some when i stopped!
    waste of money!!!
    just use MFP you are already here and its FREE!