Migraines, Anyone?

I don't know that this is the right board, but I figure it's as good as any because my problem has a direct impact on my motivation (or lack thereof) to exercise.

Anyone else been having migraines lately, especially in the southern US where there have been weather fronts and such? I've had them so frequently for so long now that I'm afraid to keep taking meds because I'm afraid of rebound headaches. Doc gave me some Bu-Pap on Friday, but that's been gone. The last couple of weeks the headaches been almost daily, and for the last week I've woke up with one pretty much every morning.

I plan on talking to the doctor's office again today, but I'm just wondering how other people deal with them. Do you also feel completely blah and run-down and find it difficult to get yourself to do simple chores, much less exercise? :frown: After making a stellar and almost complete recovery from a knee sprain in late July, it's aggravating that I STILL have something standing in my way when it comes to getting back to my old fitness routine.


  • Julesaf
    Oh man, I'm not in the southern part of the US, but I had a terrible headache all last week. On one of the days, I couldn't eat anything because of the nausea. It was terrible. Exercising is on the back burner right now, but I'm still trying to stay low on the calories! (without succeeding haha)
  • lesley1981
    lesley1981 Posts: 329 Member
    I have suffered frequently from migraines for over 10 years now (usually at least one severe one per month, and waking with one most mornings) and even after allergy testing, changes in medication, visits with two neurologists, no one could determine what my trigger was...

    My migraines used to run my life :angry: I could never plan a night out in advance, because if I was looking forward to something, I'd be guaranteed to have a migraine that day! They were actually that bad I went to see a chiropractor about it. He advised that I had previously had whiplash, and my neck and back wer misaligned. The work he did with me eased it for a while, but I was still suffering!

    Since I started watching what I ate and exercising more frequently my migraines have definitely dies down, but occasionally I would get one that lasts a number of days... Usually around the time of heavy, humid and thundery weather!

    I guess I must be used to the migraines by now, as it's very rare that one would ever stop me from carrying out my day to day things... but I used to sleep all day when I got one. Also, the severity of the migraines seems to have decreased, but if I do have a severe one I visit the Dr and get an injection (usually diclofenac or tramadol)! I have prescriptions for Rizatriptan and diclofenac, but sometimes I find plain old paracetamol works better
  • Amber030583
    Amber030583 Posts: 490 Member
    I have them also. I think mine come with the weird weather going on up here in Wisconsin. I find that it does help when taking allergies medicine. By helping it just makes them a little less intense. I did take prescription pills in the past but just go for the over the counter mainly. I take the excedrin migraine along with soda. It is the caffeine that helps with it. Also if they are really bad and I have to work out I work out in the dark. Well, with a little bit of light on. Either a hall light or the light from the tv if i am doing a workout dvd. I have an elliptical which helps when I have those days cause I just go on it and it doesnt really matter if i have light. Cause I do have the light from the screen. I know it is weird but it helps. I find that working out blows off stress which then helps with the migraine.
  • dietcokaholic2
    I have had terrible migraines for years. Yes, when they get really bad I am in bed with no light, no sound and heat. I have found through my years with migraines that once I throw up, it relieves the pressure. Have your headaces gotten qworse since the surgery on your knee? I would be concerned if that's the case like perhaps the medication you are taking is dehydrating you or what.. I would definitely tell the doctor when they started.. They also tell you to write down everything you eat( you already do that here) and everything you drink and possible changes in your life that trigger your headaches. I hope some of this rambling made some sense and might pehaps help ya! I hope you get to feeling better soon!
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    I get them, too. Mine are due to shifts in hormones (before my period starts and before I ovulate). I find that taking the medicine when I first notice symptoms (usually, I get nauseous about 2 hours before my head starts hurting or my fingers start tingling or I just feel foggy) then I can knock it out before it gets too bad. If my head is just starting to hurt, I'll still exercise because that sometimes helpls. But if it's full-blown, I don't. I stick with tylenol and a coke. I don't drink caffeine any other time since that just causes withdrawal headaches for me.
  • clearwaterfin
    clearwaterfin Posts: 18 Member
    I also suffer from migranes..they are bad but I don't get :smile: them to often, but my allergies have been very bad, which effects the way I feel and not wanting to work out..I think it is due to all the storms brewing. I do know that their are certain foods that trigger migranines like, feta cheese, chocolate..don't remember the other ones..hope your migraines get better and your able to get back to your workouts :-)
  • rfialkiewicz
    rfialkiewicz Posts: 183 Member
    One thing I haven't seen mentioned here... try alternating ice pack/heat pack on the back of your neck/ base of skull. It cures a good many ailments. Knocks out my migraines quickly when the drugs alone won't touch it.
  • katschy
    I have had migraines since I was a child (as young as 3-4 years old). To a certain extent I can deal with them without letting them interfere with my routine, but every decade as my hormones change my migraines change. They were super-frequent and extremely debilitating during my early 30s but now as I'm getting close to 40 they seem to be decreasing in frequency and intensity.

    That said, I avoid food triggers (peppers, tomatoes, eggplant, potatoes, aged cheeses, chocolate<-- not an issue for me, I'm not big on chocolate, but the cheese and peppers are traumatic losses for me), drink lots of water, eat lots of omega-3 foods, do my best to ensure a good night's sleep every night - and when the weather or hormones trigger one, I just take care of myself and reschedule my day. Meds don't always help (particularly when it's hormones), so I'll run a super-hot bath, get in it for as long as I can stand it, then get out and sit in front of the fan until I cool off - lather rinse repeat until my body temp starts to go down, and the pain starts to fade.
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    I've been suffering from migraines for the past 2 years and only got them diagnosed earlier this year. I live in Virginia...and the weather definitely impacts my head!! I had a case start at the end of August and just finish up last week...migraine followed by daily headaches followed by another migraine and so on. It's a vicious cycle. I 9 times out of 10 wake up with my migraines. My neuro has me taking Topamax as a preventative, which has cut down on the number of them that I get and Imitrex for when I do get them...I do use heat on my face and neck as well as a heat compress scented with peppermint oil. When the pain gets to be a 10+ or I'm at work and it can't be treated right away, generally the only recourse is to go home and crawl in bed and sleep it off and I'm generally pretty worthless afterward.
  • albredera
    Hi. I am new to MFP (23 days) and this is my first post. I haven't had much to add to discussions until now.... This post REALLY hits home.
    Leslie1981, I have NOT had a migraine in 52 days and for ME this is a miracle.... I probably haven't gone 7-8 days over the last 20+ years without a migraine. I thought I would live with them FOREVER!!!!! I was convinced MY migraines were brought on by changes in the barometric pressure and my menstral cycle because that's when they seemed to occur.

    On August 1, 2010, I changed 2 things in my life..... I began taking a multivitamin and I no longer am eating meat :smile:.

  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Migraines run in my family and I had my first one when I was 3 (yes, I remember!).

    The more I exercise and the better I eat, the fewer headaches I get and they are less severe. If I catch it early and take one Exedrin and either a Motrin or Aleve, I'm good. But I know what you mean about rebounds! Maxalt worked wonders back in the day. I haven't needed it in a while.

    Also, try doing some yoga. I've cured migraines with it. It's counterintuitive, but it works.

    I know everyone has different experiences, so you may not get results from any of that, but I hope something helps. Feel better!
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    I just had an ahhh haaa moment. It has been 18 months since my last migraine. What do ya know! Never thought about it, didn't notice it. Huh. I used to have them pretty badly, and at the drop of a hat...well really at the whif of scent. I would get an immediate response to any gardinia based scent... candles, perfume, room freshener, etc. I mean full blown black out pain, nausea, light sensitivity, the whole 9 yards. They could last for days. I learned to live with them, or rather around them.

    April 09 I had a deviated septum repaired as well as some "roto rooter" work done on my sinuses. It was like I was breathing through one of those itty bitty coffee stir straws. I originally saw the ENT doc for a snoring issue....uh yeah, I couldn't breath through my nose while sleeping! I never knew what I had been missing breathing wise. Worst pain I have ever had in my life! I know I wll never have any other facial surgery done! Anyway, the snoring reduced, still "burble" on the exhale according to my bf. No sinus infections or head colds, and I can breath!

    Huh, never even dawned on me that I haven't had the migraines. BONUS!
  • Ashley_Panda
    Ashley_Panda Posts: 1,404 Member
    It's only been a couple of weeks since my last bad migraine. I get the kind that you vomit profusely and I usually end up at the hospital for dehydration. No fun. I've gone to a neurologist and they tried me on all kinds of meds but nothing helped to prevent or help once they were there. Mine have become fewer since I moved to Dallas from where we used to live ( Beaumont area ) but yeah.
  • Gelsie
    Gelsie Posts: 18 Member
    Oh I'm glad I found this post. I thought I was the only one with these headaches. I've headaches on and off for about two weeks now. I don't know if its allergies, but I think I can narrow it down to stress!!! I try to relax but sometimes it's hard. I'm working really hard towards relaxing and taking time to myself.

    I hope we can help each other thru our "pain".

  • Ge0rgiana
    Ge0rgiana Posts: 1,649 Member
    Hey! WOW! What a response! All of you are so AWESOME! I noticed that some of you said you exercised anyway despite the pain and that sometimes the exercise helped. I walked about a mile this morning out in the sunshine, and I think it did definitely help. I actually got out and ran errands today. Got my hair cut, turned in library books, and printed copies of my resume for the job fair I'm hoping like crazy I can attend tomorrow. (You know, if I don't wake up in pain.)

    I had a drug-free day, just to give the old liver a break. The Bu-Pap is the first prescription that I've taken for this. Normally I pop an Excedrin Migraine / Tylenol Sinus cocktail and that does the trick. (Yes, my sinus problems the only trigger I've identified. That, and cigarette smoke, but, really, you could still lump that under the heading of "sinus".)

    Oh, and someone mentioned surgery on my knee. I didn't need surgery (thankfully!), and the only medication I've used is Voltaren, a topical gel. I take Thyroid and Maxzide, and I've taken them for years.

    I think stress can aggravate them and make them worse. Thankfully, I have no food triggers. I think they have gotten worse since I moved from the Beaumont area to Houston, but I'm not sure why. I did think it was the building I was working in, but I got laid off over a week ago and they still persist. Sometimes I can't distinguish the sinus headaches from the migraines. If I take meds for one or the other, it's like the one goes away and I find I still have another "underlying" headache. I'm hoping that makes sense to someone.

    Yes, they do run in the family. Mom, sister, niece (only 14 years old), aunts, cousins... My grandmother had horrible ones, bad auras and everything. My brother gets clusters. I'm fortunate enough to be one of the few who doesn't experience light sensitivity or nausea. I've only had to be hospitalized twice, the two occasions where I actually hurt bad enough to get sick.

    I'm glad everyone's getting something out of this thread. I'm more than happy to keep it going. Again, THANK EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU for responding, and to those who have friended me because of this thread, I really am touched. :flowerforyou:
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    I was so excited about my ahh haa moment I forgot to put in what I used when I did get a migraine. If I had to go through the motions at work I would take 2 excedrin migraine, 1 dramamine, 1 cup of coffee w/cream and 1 Dove dark chocolate bar. After that I would drink plain water as needed. After the initial excedrin, if needed about 6 hours later I would take 2 motrin. That would usually get me thru the day until I got home and could crawl in bed. Prescription medications react very oddly on me so I avoid those when ever I can.

    Since you have said you do have sinus/allergy issues it may be worth a trip to the Ear, Nose and Throat doctor... lol it seemed to have worked for me!
  • Ge0rgiana
    Ge0rgiana Posts: 1,649 Member
    I was so excited about my ahh haa moment I forgot to put in what I used when I did get a migraine. If I had to go through the motions at work I would take 2 excedrin migraine, 1 dramamine, 1 cup of coffee w/cream and 1 Dove dark chocolate bar. After that I would drink plain water as needed. After the initial excedrin, if needed about 6 hours later I would take 2 motrin. That would usually get me thru the day until I got home and could crawl in bed. Prescription medications react very oddly on me so I avoid those when ever I can.

    Since you have said you do have sinus/allergy issues it may be worth a trip to the Ear, Nose and Throat doctor... lol it seemed to have worked for me!

    Wow! Now THAT is a helluva cocktail! I would use the excuse to nail the Dove bar! (I love their dark chocolate.) :happy: Motrin and other ibuprofen products don't do squat. Aspirin / acetaminophen / caffeine seems to be one magic combo for me. Another turned out to be demmoral (sp?) and phenegren (sp?), but that was when I was in the hospital. It was weird, because normally demmoral does nothing for any kind of pain I have. I have weird reactions to prescription pain killers as well. Vicodin is another one. I may as well take a couple of regular Tylenol for all the good it does. I digress.

    Lots of water seems to help some times. I forgot all about it until you mentioned it, but I have gotten dehydration migraines before. However, sinuses problems and weather shifts seem to be my biggest triggers. Would love to see an ENT or allergist as soon as I get insurance again. :wink:
  • brio268250

    I am so sorry you have migraines - I have them too. I have found mine are food allergies and when I stopped eating bananas and oranges ( including orange juice) they stoppped. But occasionally I have one when I am under a lot of stress - then that happens I get Fever Few and take that everyday. For some reason that works for me.


    Aspertain (sp) sweetner can trigger migraines for me too. So stop bring diet pop ( coke makes a sugar free soda with splenda) that I can drink.

    I know they are awfully - had them growing up. Good luck on finding out what triggers yours I have learned to control mine. Also, last week I found out my blood pressure was high and they put me on blood pressure medication - it seems to be working on my headaches (but are not migraines.

    xoxoxox Teri
  • maccabeth
    maccabeth Posts: 111 Member
    I live in GA and I've been having all kinds of sinus issues the past couple of weeks. I went through a period last year where I had back to back sinus infections for about a year. Nothing worked. It was awful. I saw the ENT and had an MRI. It was incredible to see all the gunk in there on what felt like a "good" day.

    After all that (and really no solutions), a doctor prescribed Nasonex and Allegra (not D) 180mg (the strongest one!). Those two meds have kept me normal! Now, sinus headaches are pretty rare. I hardly have any of the terrible pressure/sloshing, sensitivity to light/sound, etc. I can't imagine living with that all the time. I know what you mean when you have that dull aching even after meds, though. I had a pressure headache this afternoon (I'm a middle school teacher and the kids were wild today! lol) I nearly didn't go to the gym for my run like I'd planned. Once I was done, though, the headache was gone. :) Maybe it was all that blood pumping through the brain?

    Good luck! I hope you find a long-term solution!
  • Ge0rgiana
    Ge0rgiana Posts: 1,649 Member
    I had forgotten about aspartame. It's not a trigger for me, personally, but I have still largely eliminated it from my diet because it's a chemical, artificial, processed, etc. The only sweeteners I use with any regularity are xylitol and stevia. I would recommend that anyone who's trying to figure out their triggers try eliminating diet sodas (sodas in general, really) and switch to a natural sweetener. Ideal, which is xylitol based, is my favorite. Stevia-based Truvia is ok, too, though it's not as sweet.

    With that said, if you're a soda addict, you may experience headaches regardless. Specifically, withdrawal headaches from the caffeine. That's what coffee is for! :laugh: Seriously, a soda addict who's looking to ditch the habit may want to look up what they can expect in terms of withdrawal and the best way to treat any headaches from that. :happy:

    Hi Maccabeth! I'm really glad that you found something that's working for you. We finally had our "cold" front come through today. In other words, it's 73 right now just shy of 8:30AM and it's only supposed to get into the mid-80's today. ONLY. :wink: Downright chilly! Heh. Apparently, these headaches have been pretty common in Southeast Texas this year. My mother lives a couple of hours away from me, and she's been telling me all week that one of the more respected local meteorologists has been promising that with today's front everyone's headaches will go away. Pretty impressive when the weather man's feeling your pain. My head does feel pretty good today. Maybe there was something to that.

    I think the whole thing about exercise making it better is really interesting. I experienced that myself a few days ago. I went out and walked a mile outside and I felt better. Of course, this was a "barely there" headache that just wouldn't completely go away otherwise. I don't think I'd want to attempt it with anything that ranked about 6 or greater. As for why it works, blood pumping is probably as good a theory as any. Flushing out all that glutamate. However, it might also be that, especially in your case, the extra pain-killing power of exercise endorphins helped. Who knows?

    Thanks again to everyone who's posted. :flowerforyou: