Feeling Lost

OG43 Posts: 22 Member
I don't know what is wrong with me lately, but I have had absolutely zero motivation to get anything done when it comes to working out and exercising. I feel realy tired and i have only gone to the gym one time this week. Back in December, i got off track and didn't work out for almost two weeks and since then, i have not been able to get back in the groove of going everyday like i used to and on top of it, my eating habits aren't even good. I feel like i am the only one who has ever dealt with this even though i know that is not true. I just need someone to relate to and to give me a boost, honestly. I want to know if this happens to more people than i think and how they managed to get through this slump...


  • acogg
    acogg Posts: 1,870 Member
    How can you possibly look at your profile picture and not feel motivated? Gads, woman! Look at you, you look fabulous! Do not let that slip out of your hands! All the work you have done to achieve your after picture is worth crawling over glass, let alone watching what you eat and spending a few hours a week working out! You are beautiful, so live it and show it!
  • OG43
    OG43 Posts: 22 Member
    Wow, thank you so much. This just made my night. I know I've worked hard, but it still IS hard some times. Thank you though.
  • KariOrtiz2014
    KariOrtiz2014 Posts: 343 Member
    Feel free to add me!

    So I've had the same situation happen to me. I've been battling with this for 2 whole years!! By now, I would have been thinner, healthier, and way more confident! With that said, this is a phase but you must overcome it as soon as possible!! Why? Because if you don't you'll end up like a lot of people (like me) and regret that you didn't just stuck to it now.

    But it's true!! You're a true inspiration! Beautiful job!!
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    I got very ill at the end of November, with flu and a chest infection that would not bugger off. I had, til that point, been working out 6 days a week, intensely...boxing, weights, circuits, running, cycling, elliptical... I was taken out for a whole month then Xmas arrived, and it took me until mid January to face the gym. Part of it was shame at having gotten out of shape a bit, just a bit flabbier, less fit. I also ate like rubbish for those two months. Lots of cake, chocolate, mince pies and food out.

    Well, I finally one day dragged myself into the gym, deciding I could at least try for 10 minutes, just as a start, and that putting it off was achieving nothing.
    I managed to do 10 minutes on the elliptical, then I did some weights, back to the elliptical then went home. With working out again, my eating naturally slipped back into where it had been, primarily healthy food. All the weight has come off, and an extra 2 Ibs. I push myself hard, in spite of having COPD and severe depression, which makes working out more of a challenge for me. If I can do it, you certainly can. Plus, you have come too far to let it all go now.

    Just do it. Get your gym clothes out before bed, or before you start your day, put them on, and get out there.