Cannot seem to get started and keep going!

I get started, eat healthy for about two weeks, then get on the scale, and realize I have gained 3 pounds instead of losing. I noticed this about two weeks ago, and since then I just have lost hope and have eating almost what I use to eat. Every meal I am weighing my options, looking at more healthy options. If we had a lunch meeting at McDonalds, instead of that burger I would lean towards the fish sandwich with no fries and an unsweet tea while everyone devowered ice cream and greasy fries and the burgers. When my coworks go to the gas station and ask if I want anything, I use to hand them a buck or two and tell them poptarts and a Coke. The only time I get a Coke now is when I have a bad headache and need caffein with the medicine to take the headach away faster.

I also get bored eating the exact same things everyday. I love spinach salads with oven baked chicken, pickles, carrots and french dressing, but this time of year with the cold I WANT hot food. I was eating oatmeal a lot, but found myself two hours later hungry again, so I would make another pack. By the time I would get home after work I would be starving. I'd throw a bag of steamed rice in the microwave and open a can of tuna and eat.

I suppose I just keep getting bored with my choices. It is just me and I want something more than just a bowl of rice and tuna every night. Something more than just a salad.

Does anyone have any food suggestions? I also do believe that 1200 calories a day for me is too much, even with 40-45 minutes of walking every night or every other night like I have been doing. I have been drinking lots of water so that is a good change in my life I have made. Does anyone think that 1200 is too much for them as well?


  • David_AUS
    David_AUS Posts: 298 Member
    1,200 calories - there is much debate over this one. Essentially from my understanding this is around the minimum recommended that you can fit a balanced diet into. Sorry to be harsh but I feel that the reason you are struggling to get started is that you do not really want to yet. I am not going to get into this debate - if you are gaining weight you need to change something so that energy expended is greater than you consume other than to say stay hydrated and get good quality sleep - how you do this is up to you.

    There are plenty of healthy food options and loads of variety - spices and flavours add very little calories as well.

    I suggest you really revisit why you want to be fitter / shed unwanted fat - not just that it would be "nice" or "convenient" etc... really why you want to - until you have no other option in your head but to lose the extra weight you will always struggle. Once you really decide you will find foods and flavours that you have never tried before and find ways to incorporate an abundant and full array of foods in your life instead of the "steak and 3 veg".
  • thesupremeforce
    thesupremeforce Posts: 1,206 Member
    I doubt that 1200 is too many calories for you (unless you're like 4'10" maybe). My guess is that you're not "weighing your options" very well (and/or you're not measuring your servings). For example, the fish sandwich at McDonald's isn't exactly a lower calorie option than many of the burgers (unless you dropped some combination of the tarter sauce, cheese, and bun).

    Also, you'll never get anywhere if you can't find something that you can stick with for more than two weeks. "Boring" leads to problems, especially if you're constantly eating the same things and not getting enough of the things your body needs (I can't see your diary in order to speculate further). Are you getting enough protein, fat, and fiber (to name a few things)?
  • greentart
    greentart Posts: 411 Member
    No, 1200 is the minimum that your body needs to function. If you ACTUALLY think that its too many calories, then you should probably go see a doctor. It could be that you're not eating the right kinds of food to get to that calorie level, but as I can't see your diary, I really couldn't tell you for sure.
    That being said, have you searched the internet for recipes? Pinterest is a great site for searching recipes (among other things). I have porkchops, pork roast, pork tacos, beef roast, chicken, oven roasted chicken, chicken tacos, and ground beef patties or eggplant meatballs for dinner, along with a side of roasted veggies or a side salad. For lunch I'll normally have leftovers or a salad. I prefer a cobb salad or something with substance, but I tire of salads pretty quickly. For breakfast I have ground pork sausage, an egg, cheese, and sometimes avocado. Never gets tiring. :)

    Here's the thing... you didn't put it on in 2 weeks, it's not going to come off in 2 weeks. Those 3 lbs? Could have been water weight, could have been bloating due to too much salt (hello McDonalds!), could have been 'that time of the month', or could have been your normal weight flux. Yep, our bodies have those.

    Keep at it, but don't give the scale as much power as you're giving it. Go by how your body feels. Are your pants feeling looser? Can you jog without getting winded? Run a faster mile? Lift more weight? Do more situps? These are all GOOD things to measure your loss by. Also, measure yourself every 3-4 weeks. The scale doesn't know everything.
  • acogg
    acogg Posts: 1,870 Member
    You are bored with your diet and not losing weight eating the same things in smaller portions. Try cooking and preparing things at home! Preparing from home will liberate you from waiting from being patient as you wait for other people to bring you food.