Need motivation please

So I really need some motivation. I have tried to keep with this and I always fail to keep it up. I really want to try again, I need to lose almost 100 pounds.
The other day my young nephew told me I was fat, and it really changed my perspective on things. I just need a little motivation.
I'm sure before and after pics would help quite a lot. Thanks.


  • The thing that I've learned time and time again after my yo-yo dieting is that unless you really, truly, 100% want to lose the weight you wont. I always previously thought I did and then relapse after a few weeks/months of strict calorie controlling. This time around I'm going to the gym (I never did excercise only dieting) and as much as I hate to say it you really really do need to exercise. A lot. I'm feeling really good and considering I'm such a lazy person with the tendency to snack on whatever it really is unlike me. I have a 3 monthly MOT at my gym and if I improve I get a free month at the gym which is a great reward for me as I'm on a budget. Also the guy that does my MOT's works on the gym floor and he's damn good eye candy, which is my motivation!! The only thing I can suggest is find some sort of reward program, a gym buddy or a picture of a celebrity who you'd like to look like (within reason, don't be grabbing pics of kate moss as its just unrealistic!!).

    I hope this wasn't too negative I just have to be truly honest with you 'cause I believe I was in the exact same boat. I had a total of 86lbs to lose and now I'm down to 78lbs to lose. So great start but got a long way to go!
  • cocooned567
    cocooned567 Posts: 6 Member
    I also need to lose a tremendous amount of weight, and I'd been coasting along-ignoring it, but being so uncomfortable in my own skin. So a few weeks back, a local DJ posted a video of herself "fat girl dancing" which immediately went viral, and has kicked off her"No Body Shame" campaign. At first I was like YEAH! that's awesome- I shouldn't be ashamed. (constantly being disappointed with my body has changed my personality and def made me more withdrawn, etc) but then I really started thinking about it.. do I really want to accept my body as it is, and not try to change anything... It just hit me like a ton of bricks. It finally snapped me out of my laziness to do anything or change anything.. Go check out the video on youtube- it will be the one with 2 million views.. Good luck!
  • tmuellenberg
    tmuellenberg Posts: 265 Member
    Yeah, when other people, especially kids start making comments that can really be frustrating. But hopefully you can use it as motivation! Feel free to add me if you're looking for friends, I try to stay fairly active here!
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    Log everything you eat & drink accurately & honestly. Logging is simple, but it ain't easy.

    Read this:

    And take before pictures & measurements.
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    So I really need some motivation. I have tried to keep with this and I always fail to keep it up. I really want to try again, I need to lose almost 100 pounds.
    The other day my young nephew told me I was fat, and it really changed my perspective on things. I just need a little motivation.
    I'm sure before and after pics would help quite a lot. Thanks.

    Read this and then work on changing your mindset. Motivation needs to be internal to really work. When you are ready to lose the weight - you will.