Panic attack at midnight

Well, I'm not entirely surprised. I am wide awake at midnight, and I'm feeling shaky and lightheaded. I know that I didn't get nearly enough calories today. However I did just eat some crackers and it doesn't seem to be making a difference at all 20 minutes later.

Besides the light-headedness I am also constantly having palpitations/skipped beats, and I am feeling like I am on the verge of a panic attack. To be frank I feel as if I am dying.

Now before anybody else worries, I have had panic attacks before, and this is not uncommon. That is my common sense telling me that. My less evolved brain parts are telling me doom is around the corner. My brain is constantly at odds with itself.

In all likelihood my blood sugar is now quite low as well. I don't measure my blood glucose, but I do always take my glipizide. And yes, I know I should keep track religiously, and I will order refills for my meter tomorrow and start jabbing daily.

my mistakes are not that hard to spot, but talking about them in public on this website and just seeing them in print makes the reality more acute, and makes it more likely that I will do better in future.

The panic has now subsided a little bit, although the skipped beats are still bothering me. I think it's time for bed, the Kindle, and the gentle soothing sounds of BBC radio four to settle my frenetic brain.

I nearly forgot! My wife wrote the sweetest message on my blog on this site. She is trying to support me, but she is also a member here. I wonder if some of you wouldn't mind paying a visit there and perhaps leaving a few words of encouragement. She is not the big social networker that I am (ha ha what a laugh), but I am sure she could do with a few friendly words.

This is her:

I hope that was allowed ! Good night!



  • Bagelsan
    Bagelsan Posts: 49
    Take care of yourself, and update us when you properly check your blood sugar. We'll hold you responsible for that; you promised you'd do it! ;)
  • pilatesXOpixie
    pilatesXOpixie Posts: 70 Member
    I went to take a look and unfortunately I don't have the ability to view. (I would assume because we're not friends on here)

    I hope your journey is going well so far, and as the poster above said please update us =]
  • Blokeypoo
    Blokeypoo Posts: 274 Member
    Hope you're okay.

    As a nurse who has to watch her patients undergo kidney dialysis and transplants and the many complications - many of whom are there through unmanaged diabetes - I urge you to take it very seriously indeed.

    Sorry for hasty post, am off to work but wanted to post a quickie to you.
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    Yes we don't have permission to read the blog it says so the privacy setting needs to be changed.
  • Mario_Az
    Mario_Az Posts: 1,331 Member
    do something to take your mind off it listen to music watch youtube a movie
  • JanetDeGraw
    Hi - eat a piece of fruit to get your blood sugar up - or try 8oz of skim milk with 2 tsp blackstrap molasses in it to give yourself an instant potassium and calcium boost. don't hurt your heart by eating way too little - you deserve health.
  • laurie04427
    laurie04427 Posts: 421 Member
    Wake your wife up and tell her it's time to have tea. That's what I wish my hubby would do when he has a panic attack. :)
  • nobel99
    nobel99 Posts: 62 Member
    Your wife's blog is set to private. Sorry you're having a tough go....I cannot imagine having panic attacks (although my heart pounds and I wake up stressed when I have a nightmare about one of my kids being hurt!) Glad your wife is supporting you. I'd be waking her up and asking for a hug if I were you, in the midst of a panic attack :)
    Hoping you pay attention to your health issues.....sugar level maintenance is serious business (RN in me) and you cannot ignore it. Have you seen a Diabetic counsellor or a nutritionist about keeping your sugars in check? Sometimes meal plans help.
    I like reading your blogs, truth be told. Soon, you'll be writing happier stuff!
  • jaimeeknudson
    jaimeeknudson Posts: 3 Member
    I hope you feel better this morning, You are doing an excellent job!! We are all in this together, and rooting for you!
  • maab12
    maab12 Posts: 65 Member
    take care and be careful. you could be going through sugar withdrawal. slow and easy does the trick