For those that get serious anxiety, did weight loss help?



  • RinnyLush
    RinnyLush Posts: 389 Member
    I don't think seeing a lower number on the scale has decreased my anxiety, but eating more wholesome foods, being more active, and getting more rest has help IMMENSELY. I am not currently on any anti-anxiety meds (though I have been in the past) but I find my new routine has greatly improved my sleep, thoughts, and ability to interact with others.
  • RinnyLush
    RinnyLush Posts: 389 Member
    It depends on why you have anxiety. What triggers your anxiety?

    Exercise is the most underused anti-depressant/anti-anxiety in my opinion.

    When you exercise, endorphins are being released. This increases serotonin levels, resulting in positive mood effects.

    Are you on any anxiety medications?

  • Hoggestabben
    Exercise definitely helps a lot with anxiety, but unfortunately I have felt that being at a calorie deficit can increase anxiety. I even had anxiety dreams about food when I did Weight Watchers and lost 30 pounds. (back on MFP When I am hungry, I can get irritable and anxious. But it's worth it. If you lose weight and feel better about yourself, I think your anxiety will decrease. Along the way, however, you could feel more anxious if you're hungry. Good luck!!

    Exercise often helps with anxiety disorder
    But do not try fast weight loss with a large calorie deficit (300 per day is ok?) because you'll get more stressed and anxiety goes up.
  • JeffBrown3
    JeffBrown3 Posts: 161 Member
    I've had GAD my entire life as long as I can remember... And to me, dieting actually helps my anxiety. I think it's the "control" that makes me feel more comfortable. I have started taking Prozac which helps a LOT but noticed improvement even before I started that medication. But, to add to what everyone else said... When i was running 5 miles a day I felt fantastic, no prescriptions needed. When I got anxious i'd go running or walking. It ALWAYS made me feel better.
  • SilentDrapeRunners
    SilentDrapeRunners Posts: 199 Member
    Exercise (and specifically weightlifting) has helped alleviate some of my anxiety. Reaching and maintaining a stable weight and body fat % that you feel comfortable at can help too, IMO.

    Also, for me, foods/nutrition plays a big role in my depression and anxiety. When I eat healthy, wholesome foods I feel mentally well-balanced and less depressed. When I eat a lot of food in a given day (especially high GI carbs, simple sugars), I get extremely depressed. But when my calories are really low, or I completely deprive myself of treats, my anxiety/irritability increases. It's a balance.