How much difference can scales show?

I went to the dr yesterday and it said I weighed 10 more lbs than my scales at home!

I know scales can be different due to calibration etc but this much ?!


  • farway
    farway Posts: 1,260 Member
    It depends on time of day, clothed at Dr, unclothed at home for instance

    After meal at Dr maybe?

    Just go by one scale, same time, same situation. The scale will just report the difference, the actual figure on scale is not too important for the moment

    Most use first thing AM
  • thatlittlebit
    thatlittlebit Posts: 46 Member
    I got up and weighed. Then went out and went to dr and got weighed so about an hour inbetween (and actually I didn't eat anything and um got rid if some stuff after weighing myself at home).

    I'm not worried about it but it puts me back in the overweight category when I was comfortably in normal!