Fruit....I just don't understand it. Help please!!!



  • You can gain weight from eating too much of anything. For me,it's much easier to overestimate on my Favourite ringolos potato chips than on fruit. I think the chips have more calories because of the frying in fat and whatnot. I like apples.
  • handyrunner
    handyrunner Posts: 32,662 Member
    I have the most wonderful mental image of you looking utterly confused at a bowl of fruit.

  • handyrunner
    handyrunner Posts: 32,662 Member
    You're over-thinking it! The benefits of fruit far outweigh the disadvantages.


    but as everyone else has said...and excess of anything is going to get you in the end!
  • MB2MN
    MB2MN Posts: 334 Member
    You can overeat fruit in the same way you can overeat chocolate, it just requires more of it and would leave you feeling much fuller. Sugar isn't evil, just try to stay within your calorie and macro goals. Have the chocolate, have the fruit, just know that one will leave you fuller than the other.