Fitness class

My gym offers fitness classes with the membership and I'd like to try one but have no idea what to start with. Or what's an easy beginner level. Here are the choices:

Rep Reebok
Core challenge
Bellyfit (dance)
Total body strength
Strength and Motion
HIIT circuit
Power step and pump
On the ball
TRX boot camp
Bosu box
Super sweat
Step and strength
Hip hop

I really want to try one but like I said I dont know anything about them and I feel too shy to just go and do it by myself. I always see the rooms crowded with people so I'd like to have a good first experience.


  • kikicooks
    kikicooks Posts: 1,079 Member
    Talk to someone who works there to find out exactly what each class is if you don't know anything about them. Watch a class as it's going on and see if it looks like something you'd like to try. You can do any of those classes as a beginner and just start at your own pace. Don't let other people at the gym intimidate you. They all had a 1st time at those classes too and are there for the same reason you are. Just go for it! :smile:
  • kelsully
    kelsully Posts: 1,008 Member
    If there is a good instructor any class can be a great class. The Zumba and Hip Hop would be very dance-y so if you like to dance go with those. I would honestly ask the club staff which instructor does the best modifying for beginners. Some instructors say stupid stuff and make newbies feel singled out while others make it a newbie feel very welcome and encouraged. A great instructor can make any class worth while. Ask those in the club.
  • Madame_Goldbricker
    Madame_Goldbricker Posts: 1,625 Member
    Do they offer them in different levels? Beginner/intermediate. If not everyone has to start somewhere & one person might love a class. Whilst another person hates it. Best to try a few out to see what you like best really.

    Normally if you get to a class early & tell the instructor its your first time there. They'll give you some pointers if needed. Spin is good as obviously you're sat on the bike and you can control the levels you go at. Nobody needs to know if you're cranking it to the max or not. So that might be a good starting one for you if you're bit worried about feeling nervous.

    Please just don't be put off whatever you decide to try. Everyone has to start somewhere & all classes will have new people filtering in from time to time. Enjoy!
  • David_AUS
    David_AUS Posts: 298 Member
    I think to date you have been doing mainly walking and elliptical training. There must be some classes that you feel more drawn towards than others? These are the ones that you are most likely going to enjoy. Here are my thoughts:

    1. If you want a class that has a more entertaining feel then try the Zumba, Belly Dance or Hip Hop (my personal preference would be the Zumba). These tend to be more choreographed and are to music rather than just music playing in the background.

    2. If you like a more "military" reps sets count down "do this for 30 secs" then choose one of the others. My opinion: Avoid the high intensity classes just for now like HIIT, Super Sweat unless you think your cardio is really improved

    3. My estimation for lower intensity but still potentially a great workout are: Step and Strength, Spin, Rep Reebok. Do not under estimate the On the Ball class - this is likely to be slower but some of the stretches will challenge.

    4. Choose classes which when you see them you can see yourself doing the exercises - if you think "No way" pick something else

    Talk to the instructor before the class and tell them if you have any sore muscle groups or lack of flexibility or any other concerns, even talk to them after a class expressing interest- they will appreciate it and may even cater some of the exercises for your during the classes you attend. They are people and just like you like being appreciated and valued - thank them provide feedback etc... even if it is "I am just not up to this yet but thanks for your help, I found this particularly difficult is there any classes you might recommend that would help me develop ..."more movement in my shoulders"..."core strength"...."stamina for cardio".... etc.... If you are shy - just get over it and talk to them they are there because they enjoy it :)

    When you are in the class work to your level - don't worry or push yourself to keep up if you cannot. If you cannot hold a position or continue reps for the time then just slow down or stop and give your body the recovery time it needs. The instructor won't be offended. Keep up as best you can with the exercises many regulars know the routines / moves. Just enjoy yourself and if you find one class you like after a few sessions you start to feel like a regular and start to know what is coming next.

    Chances are there are quite a few "newbies" still there from starting their new years resolutions. The instructor makes a big difference as goods ones will watch the class and make suggestions along the way for less intensity or more intensity.
  • manhn1
    manhn1 Posts: 137 Member
    Most classes consist of participants of varying levels--from those who know what the next move will be before the instructor says anything to those who have never worked out ever and have no coordination whatsoever.

    Do whatever class you think would interest you. Regardless of what class is "better" for you, if you don't enjoy it, you won't do it.

    I would do as many different types of classes you can, and then winnow it down over time.