Partying and Maintaining



  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    There's a whole world of difference between remaining vigilant while maintaining and getting obsessive.

    Lighten up a little - you're 19 and have successfully lost 60lbs. Enjoy your success rather than be trapped by it.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member

    Just be aware of the food consumed post party...:laugh: that's what always gets me...the pizza, sausages or poutine.

    LOL Yes - I should have mentioned this. I have found it much easier to keep losing while partying, by avoiding eating like a maniac afterwards.

    Also - I can "eat all the things" when I am hungover - so I have to control that as well.

    oh yea, those late night what a burger or waffle house runs KILL me...
  • The_Enginerd
    The_Enginerd Posts: 3,982 Member
    Should I eat on my normal routine or cut out calories over my day?

    I have this split already:
    Breakfast 350
    Snack 100
    Lunch 550
    Snack 100
    Dinner 600
    Snack 200

    The 200 calorie snack is usually a before bed snack so I am cutting that out. Do I need to compensat any further if I plan on going out tonight and drinking?
    Just hit a weekly average (app makes this easy) and enjoy the weekends. Even an occasional really high day without compensating isn't going to kill you and cause you to gain your weight back if you keep things on track most of the time. I've been maintaining for over two years, and I've had days over 5000 calories (and compared to some people, that's not even all that high of a spike day).
  • xmichaelyx
    xmichaelyx Posts: 883 Member

    How about just live your life like a normal person. I've been maintaining for 9 months plus and I party like a rock star pretty much every Saturday night..I don't cut out meals...I don't do excessive extra exercise....I just live my normal life. I rock my nutrition and I rock my fitness...and then I cut lose once or twice per biggie.

    You're just way over-thinking all of this.

    Agreed. I'm 41, drink heavily and eat whatever I want on the weekends, and am still losing a pound per week just by slowing down a little during the week.

    One thing, though: 140 pounds is pretty small, unless you're very short. I'm curious why you don't want to gain? I so wish that at 19 (when I was 130 or so pounds) I'd had the body I have now.
  • a_stronger_me13
    a_stronger_me13 Posts: 812 Member
    Absolutely! Just stay within a reasonable range of your TDEE and plan for it. If you know there's a party, pre-log your drinks. It's that simple.

  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    There's a whole world of difference between remaining vigilant while maintaining and getting obsessive.

    Lighten up a little - you're 19 and have successfully lost 60lbs. Enjoy your success rather than be trapped by it.


    Also, you are male. 140lbs at 5'8" is on the skinny side. You could easily go on a nice slow bulk, which as a side effect will give you room for some beer.... not that I'd encourage those under 21 to drink, unless you are in the UK, or Canada, then by all means.
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    I lost weight when I was at university and I went out drinking more than once a week lol (I'm British, part of our university 'culture' :smile: )
  • acarmelo1
    acarmelo1 Posts: 76 Member
    If you have lots of sex, that will be enough exercise for those days that you go partying.
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    You are legitimately worried about gaining a bunch of weight overnight? As in fat weight?

    Come on. You've lost 60lbs, you should have a better understanding of how weight gain works. Stop thinking hysterical thoughts and think rationally and logically. Stay at a calorie maintenance numbers and you'll be fine.

    This again and also.

    And also sex.
    And also this: :smokin:
    And then more sex.
    Rinse and repeat.
  • ashleycde
    ashleycde Posts: 622 Member
    When I go out for drinks with friends now I'll curb my intake or hit the bike for a little longer so I still have room for a half litre of pinot grigio and a decedent snack (where we go, I usually order escargot in garlic butter). If you're doing the college thing, I'd suggest avoiding high calorie beers and drinking vodka sodas (just don't overdo it). At a bar I'll generally order a vodka on the rocks with a lime, but I did this even before trying to lose weight, so that may be an acquired taste if your'e used to fruitier cocktails. Also, a little tidbit that most people don't know, but Guinness, because it is slightly lower in alcohol content (4.2 as opposed to the average 5%) is actually lower in calories, and I well prefer it to any light beers on the market. Good to know just in time for St. Patrick's Day, I may add.
    I like my vodka and club soda with Ocean spray diet pom cranberry juice or I squirt a non calorie water flavor into it..or flavored vodka...

    Just be aware of the food consumed post party...:laugh: that's what always gets me...the pizza, sausages or poutine.

    Another Canadian! It's true, it is the after partying food that gets you. Poutine and cheeseburgers are my achilles heel at 3AM. Mixing with diet juices or water flavourings is a great idea if you're into fruity drinks, I hadn't even thought of suggesting that.
  • LeslieB042812
    LeslieB042812 Posts: 1,799 Member
    My maintenance system that works for me to live and not gain is to continue to eat at my weight loss level 3-4 days/week and then make good choices, but still indulge 2 or 3 days/week. It's very doable (you've been eating at weight loss levels for a while to lose 60 pounds, so it's really what you're used to!) and it still allows for going out to eat and having a few drinks. Just stay vigilant to determine what combo works for you. If you start to gain, then go back on weight loss and adjust accordingly. Good luck!
  • dpr73
    dpr73 Posts: 495 Member
    Thanks guys. Just 1900 calories low for maintaining my current weight? I seem to be dropping about a pound a week but I am not sure whether it is just scale fluctuation or not. Also, I am looking to maintain at 140 and not bulk because I already have a pretty thick frame. I do not look skinny whatsoever. I have more of a muscular build at 140.
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    Thanks guys. Just 1900 calories low for maintaining my current weight? I seem to be dropping about a pound a week but I am not sure whether it is just scale fluctuation or not. Also, I am looking to maintain at 140 and not bulk because I already have a pretty thick frame. I do not look skinny whatsoever. I have more of a muscular build at 140.

    Yes, 1900 sounds low for maintenance.

    I'm 5'9", 160lbs (seriously I outweigh you by 20lbs), and 33 years old. I maintain around 2400. I'm a woman, and 14 years older than you. You should be eating more. I'd go up to 2200 to start then probably higher if you still aren't maintaining.
  • dpr73
    dpr73 Posts: 495 Member
    Thanks guys. Just 1900 calories low for maintaining my current weight? I seem to be dropping about a pound a week but I am not sure whether it is just scale fluctuation or not. Also, I am looking to maintain at 140 and not bulk because I already have a pretty thick frame. I do not look skinny whatsoever. I have more of a muscular build at 140.

    Yes, 1900 sounds low for maintenance.

    I'm 5'9", 160lbs (seriously I outweigh you by 20lbs), and 33 years old. I maintain around 2400. I'm a woman, and 14 years older than you. You should be eating more. I'd go up to 2200 to start then probably higher if you still aren't maintaining.

    I have been adding on 100 calories a day each week I lose. Should I just keep up with this? I find weight maintenance much harder than weight loss. I want to eat more but am very concerned that I will fall off. Any good tips that could help me out of this mindset and into more of a comfortable lifestyle (i.e. one where I can go to parties without worrying and such?)?
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    I'd bump it up to 200 a week until you stop losing.

    And honestly it sounds like you may have some "disordered" thinking about diets and foods. Food and calories are not to be feared. Food provides nutrients and energy, and it's okay to enjoy it.

    It takes 3500 calories OVER your maintenance to gain ONE pound. So if your maintenance is 2500 (which I'd bet money it is), you'd have to eat 3000 every day for a week to gain only one pound. You'd have to do that for 60 weeks (more than a year) to gain back the weight you lost. A few beers on the weekends will NOT undo your efforts.

    Keep working to figure out your maintenance, keep tracking at that for a while, then maybe ease off. See if you can at around that level without have to track every day. Reestablish a good healthy relationship with food. If you're not, I'd encourage you to find some exercise you enjoy, and/or to start lifting weights. Viewing food as fuel for your workouts helps you to not fear it.
  • dpr73
    dpr73 Posts: 495 Member
    I already work out by liftin 4 times a week and run on the fifth day. I also want to have to not think as much about this. But I'm just concerned that I am going to put the weight back on. I keep on trying to say I'm over thinking this whole process but I can't get over that idea for some reason. It's not like I stare myself. But I do worry more than I should I think.
  • Yes yes yes! Enjoy life :-)
  • jayche
    jayche Posts: 1,128 Member
  • fificrazy
    fificrazy Posts: 234
    Maybe a little beer bloat, but not fat...our bodies just don't work that way...we don't put on fat overnight. The body naturally wants to takes chronically under-eating (dieting) to override that ability and lose weight...same can be said for have to chronically over-eat to override your body's ability to maintain and gain weight.

    None of this happens overnight...if it were that easy, you would have lost the weight overnight too.

    You should honestly just go around pasting that answer on every thread topic.
  • yolohunter
    yolohunter Posts: 79 Member
    Just make sure to hit the dance floor for a good hour or so and that should balance it out if you're drinking in moderation ;)