Operation Healthy Body in Process

Hello, I am so excited about this website to track my calories and exercises. I developed a passion for food, started abusing it and now I am 100 lbs overweight. I started my weight loss plan on February 24, 2014 and so far I have lost 4 1/2 lbs. I am excited, motivated and with God's grace, I will make my goal to lose 100 pounds.


  • Congratulations on your lose so far!
  • xWendyJonesx
    xWendyJonesx Posts: 266 Member
    Congratulations on your weight loss so far, you have a great attitude, Im sure you will reach your goal.

    Good luck.
  • fsucrack
    fsucrack Posts: 68 Member
    cONGRATS!!! You have a great attitude... Good luck in your journey
  • rprobiz
    rprobiz Posts: 3
    Best of luck I also need to lose. Kinda depressed about it today. Russ
  • AnnB8237
    AnnB8237 Posts: 2
    Hello Russ, I just entered my numbers today and I went over my daily count in calories. I feel very sad about it. However, in 30 minutes, since I have just eaten, I will take out my frustration on my new Zumba DVD. I refuse to allow this day to keep me from saving my life. I have a lot of health conditions and I am too young to suffer, so I will keep pushing. I encourage you to become your best cheerleader, take it one day at a time, make short term goals at a time and believe in yourself! We have no time or depression! We will not be defeated. Have a peaceful and joyous evening!
  • mactaffy84
    mactaffy84 Posts: 398 Member
    You have a great attitude! And with an attitude like that, there is no way you will fail!