Just Starting Phentermine



  • rileyp13
    rileyp13 Posts: 1
    actually I believe it was your lack of motivation to change lifestyles after taking the pill. The pill is like a push toward the right direction in loosing weight it gives you a boost but after its work is done then it is up to you to take over the responsibilities the pill did for you. Don't blame the pill for your actions. it gets the pounds off its your job to keep it off.
  • A421Production
    Well said. I had a similar experience. The drug is not ideal but it does help. I have a thyroid problem. I'm down 28 lbs. Before phentermine, I struggled greatly. I've been off the drug for a while now and I seem to be maintaining just fine. I still log my food. I still workout 4 - 5 days a week. The moral of the story is, contrary to what many folks would have you believe, phentermine is not the devil.
  • CBC435
    CBC435 Posts: 103 Member
    actually I believe it was your lack of motivation to change lifestyles after taking the pill. The pill is like a push toward the right direction in loosing weight it gives you a boost but after its work is done then it is up to you to take over the responsibilities the pill did for you. Don't blame the pill for your actions. it gets the pounds off its your job to keep it off.

    Love the last line of that!
  • CBC435
    CBC435 Posts: 103 Member
    Well said. I had a similar experience. The drug is not ideal but it does help. I have a thyroid problem. I'm down 28 lbs. Before phentermine, I struggled greatly. I've been off the drug for a while now and I seem to be maintaining just fine. I still log my food. I still workout 4 - 5 days a week. The moral of the story is, contrary to what many folks would have you believe, phentermine is not the devil.

    Great work!! How long has it been since you've been off of the pill?
  • Fkika3131
    Fkika3131 Posts: 208 Member
    You said the magic word for me "Popcorn" lol
    <insert popcorn eating gif here>

    Oh, and no, there are no pills in my popcorn. And that's not a euphemism for anything.

    And OP, listen to your rather ironic profile pic and toss the pills in the trash. :flowerforyou:
  • sassyjae21
    sassyjae21 Posts: 1,217 Member
    No pill = no more energy. Depression type symptoms from wanting the pill and feeling unmotivated. All that furious exercise I was doing while on the pill (super energy) was over. Didnt want to exercise

    That is what brought on the weight gain after getting off. Eating the same amount at first.. but over time more and more (stomach expanding?).

    It WILL work at first... but then it all blows up when you stop taking it.

    That all makes sense and understandable. I don't think we are all naive to think this won't happen but it is common after stopping the pill. As I mentioned above, had two friends on phen- one continued with the weight loss post the pill and one didn't and gained it back and then some. It really does vary on person to person but your reasons are completely valid and it makes total sense. And yes, you're right, as you eat more the stomach does expand and it's a vicious cycle. A lot of eating habits and what we are eating is certainly our mental state. Not the action of eating but what our brain says sounds good vs what our body is telling us what it NEEDS. So, a pizza slice sounds good but my body actually needs a protein intake instead but we opt for the pizza because that is what "satisfies" us. I've battled with that mentality for many years OR will say "I deserve this cheat meal because I worked out or I walked a mile". I can already be around junk food and not be tempted to have it and I do not have to eat it. So, I am sorry the pill wasn't a positive experience for you and glad to see you are on a different path for your health.

    The stomach only expands temporarily after a full meal. It is a myth that your stomach shrinks after a prolonged period of eating very little. The only way your stomach will physically shrink is if you have a surgical procedure.

    Carry on.
  • Quasita
    Quasita Posts: 1,530 Member
    I just started this today, and was hoping to find some buddies, so to speak.

    My decision to start taking this was after a year of heavy consideration, and a longer period of trying to bust my butt.

    I discussed this at length with several providers, and one thing that was said to me that made a lot of sense was said by the pharmacist I've been going to for nearly a decade.

    He said that while it's not a good option for people who are just trying to lose weight, for the exact reasons listed in this thread... The lack of establishing good habits, the inability to handle the return of appetite... It is a very good TOOL for people who are struggling with plateaus in weightloss, or need a little bit of a "rev up" after certain life experiences.
    I know people who have seen great success, and people who failed. The people who gained the weight back had taken the pill, and relied on it solely for the weightloss. They didn't make an effort to eat healthfully or exercise while taking it, figuring the pill would generate the loss... and while it ultimately did, the lack of actual change to the cause of the weight in the first place is what puts it back on.

    The pill is meant to do 2 things. Curb your appetite and rev up your system. You should use it like lipstick... You already have lips, you're just enhancing enhancing them... Same with Phen. You already have the habit in place, you're just enhancing it.

    If you take it like a miracle drug, it'll be like all the other "miracles" out there... but if you take it like it's intended, as an enhancement tool to boost your losing ability... You're going to be much better off.

    Now, I'm only on day one, but with the fact that I know someone who successfully broke their plateau and became exceptionally more motivated when they realized that their body could continue to lose, I'm just hoping to see some slippage on the scale. If it helps me break into the 300s, all the better.

    Add me if you want a journey partner, no judgments!
  • idojpdx
    idojpdx Posts: 83 Member
    Good luck, Quasita! :smile:
  • CBC435
    CBC435 Posts: 103 Member
    No pill = no more energy. Depression type symptoms from wanting the pill and feeling unmotivated. All that furious exercise I was doing while on the pill (super energy) was over. Didnt want to exercise

    That is what brought on the weight gain after getting off. Eating the same amount at first.. but over time more and more (stomach expanding?).

    It WILL work at first... but then it all blows up when you stop taking it.

    That all makes sense and understandable. I don't think we are all naive to think this won't happen but it is common after stopping the pill. As I mentioned above, had two friends on phen- one continued with the weight loss post the pill and one didn't and gained it back and then some. It really does vary on person to person but your reasons are completely valid and it makes total sense. And yes, you're right, as you eat more the stomach does expand and it's a vicious cycle. A lot of eating habits and what we are eating is certainly our mental state. Not the action of eating but what our brain says sounds good vs what our body is telling us what it NEEDS. So, a pizza slice sounds good but my body actually needs a protein intake instead but we opt for the pizza because that is what "satisfies" us. I've battled with that mentality for many years OR will say "I deserve this cheat meal because I worked out or I walked a mile". I can already be around junk food and not be tempted to have it and I do not have to eat it. So, I am sorry the pill wasn't a positive experience for you and glad to see you are on a different path for your health.

    The stomach only expands temporarily after a full meal. It is a myth that your stomach shrinks after a prolonged period of eating very little. The only way your stomach will physically shrink is if you have a surgical procedure.

    Carry on.

    Uhhh false. Thin people are less likely to eat until they are physically full, just until they are not hungry anymore. As a result their stomach are more sensitive to stretching, which is what causes that uncomfortable full feeling. People who gladly eat to fullness at every meal will become less sensitive to this stretching sensation, and they can physically stretch their stomachs if they continue this practice. In fact the reason weight loss surgery sometimes fails is because people will manage to eat enough to stretch that tiny pouch of stomach that they still have available until its more like the size of a normal stomach. 2 people of approximately the same size have the same size stomach. The difference between the obese person's stomach and the healthy person's stomach is how much its stretched. The stomach is actually comprised of many folds into itself. As a person eats the stomach stretches, but when done it should shrink back. The obese person usually eats so much that the stomach doesn't get the opportunity to empty and shrink back, so then it continues to stretch further and further.
  • marckromano
    Hi, I suggest you to read this site http://www.webmd.com/drugs/drug-4151-Phentermine.aspx?drugid=4151

    it is the best site to have information about phentermine or other drugs. Take care using it, side effects can be very bad.
  • idojpdx
    idojpdx Posts: 83 Member
    Hi, I suggest you to read this site http://www.webmd.com/drugs/drug-4151-Phentermine.aspx?drugid=4151

    it is the best site to have information about phentermine or other drugs. Take care using it, side effects can be very bad.

    Or, like me and many others, you can tolerate it extremely well with very minor side effects that disappear after a few weeks.