Diet? Exercise? Help!

I need to find what is right for me. I have hypothyroidism and I've seen so many different things of "you need to do this" diets and I don't know what to go with that'll work. Does anyone else with hypothyroidism have a diet plan that is working for them?

Also, I am absolutely terrified of going to a public gym to work out by myself. And all my friends have moved away so I don't have someone to go with me. What are some good home workouts to do that don't require crazy expensive equipment and a lot of space?

Last but not least, how do you over come the cravings? My guilty pleasures are bread and potatoes. I have such a hard time telling myself no!

Any and all help is greatly appreciated!


  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    MFP has a Hypothyroidism and Hyperthyroidism group:

    I have Hashimoto's (autoimmune thyroid disease). I lost way more slowly than most MFPers, so be patient! I didn't change what I eat (per my endocrinologist).

    Eat "healthy" (whatever that means to you) 80% of the time. Fit yummy, portion-controlled treats into your calorie goal. Deprivation can lead to bingeing.

    Read this:
  • corina4c
    corina4c Posts: 1
    I'm certainly no expert, but I've done quite a bit of reading and research. I've just joined MFP in hopes I can do all the right things at the same time instead of in waves.

    There are lots of ways to workout at home! I like other people "motivating" me so I have enjoyed using youtube videos (or workout DVDs) -What you have to remember is that a lot of these workouts may be above your current level of fitness. All that means is that you do as much as you can, and when you can't keep up, just keep moving. Don't give up and rest, just take the intensity down. Some videos don't need any equipment, while others use an aerobic step, hand weights, resistance bands, or other specific things. If you like to dance, look for zumba or dance videos. These usually require no equipment and they are fun.
    My other favorite cardio is using the nintendo wii. I have just dance Disney, which brings out the child in me. Dancing and singing like a madman in my living room keeps me going and gets me exercise without being aware of the time.

    -cravings- again, not an expert, but these tactics might help. First of all, you DONT have to give up those foods, but you cant satisfy every craving. -one thing you should do is determne something else you can do when you get that craving. This may be going to a certain place, distracting yourself with another activity, talking to someone, or something else. I like to text a friend when I get a craving. Not a specific friend and not about my craving, but I start a conversation and find something else to do.
    Also, when I saw my nutritionist she directed me to the websites and -both are enlightening, and may give some insight on how to curb cravings, or deal with them in a more positive and less detrimental way.

    I hope that helped!! Don't give up!! -remember that every time you "slip up" just get back on the horse. One slip-up will not compromise your weight loss, but back sliding from a slip up can.

    Good luck!!
  • stephenson2012
    stephenson2012 Posts: 94 Member
    When I started my journey of losing weight I was hypothyroid and had been taking medication since my early 20's. I have lost 47 pounds. - 7 more than I planned. Along the way, I became hyperthyroid because my medication was too high after loosing weight. I am down to 12.5 mcg per day. It might have taken longer to lose but it can be done. It took me 18 months.

    Learn portion control. Apples are healthy but most are 2, 3, or 4 serving size. Get a food scale and weigh food. It is one of my best investments. Then start moving. Even if it is only 10 minutes a day. Walk around your home if you don't want to walk outside. Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated.

    Don't beat yourself up if you have a bad day.

    Good luck.
  • say_pocket
    say_pocket Posts: 54 Member

    I have hypothyroidism. I'm on medication for it, which is finally really helping, but for a while while we were finding the right dosage for me, I was having trouble losing any weight, even while dieting and exercising. I count calories using MFP which really works for me. In general, I try to avoid bread and pasta. And I have really cut back on dairy (not completely, because ice cream and I are in love.) I'm a big fan of using bento box style lunch packing to help with portion control. I like to structure my meals to be 25% protein, 25% grain, 40% veggies, and 10% healthy snack like grapes, plantain chips, yogurt, etc. I don't know if it would work for everyone, but it works for me.

    As for working out at home, you should totally try Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred. All you need is a mat for sit ups (or do them on the floor if you have carpet) and a pair of weights. I bought a pair of 3lb weights from Sports Authority for like 5 bucks and they're plenty heavy for the workout. Level One is even free on youtube! So you could always give it a try for a week or two and see how you like it. Link:

    Last but not least, cravings. There is no good way to curb them for me. My only solution is to keep the things I can't keep myself from out of my kitchen. But there's a difference between me sitting down and eating an entire bag of Doritos and you loving bread and potatoes. You can still eat those things, I'd just keep an eye on the portion control. MFP really helped me learn how much a reasonable portion of those types of starches are.

    Good luck! Feel free to add me! (But if you look at my food diary, don't judge me for the bowl of icecream with chocolate chips I had last night! ha.)
  • amandakate810
    amandakate810 Posts: 2 Member
    YouTube!!! I am on day 12 and I work out when my kids are down for a nap. You can find so much!
  • glbrocks
    glbrocks Posts: 37
    I am hypothyroid! Yes I have a plan that works for me as well. Let me share. First of all I am on medicine to boost my thyroid back to its normal function (definitely see someone about that, helps with weight loss). For me, simple carbs (white bread and regular potatoes) are simple sugars and digest fast. They make you hungry in a short period of time and spike your insulin and glucose quite rapidly. Try some complex sugars and carbs. You can still eat bread and potatoes, just make them whole wheat bread and sweet potatoes which digest much slower and give you a feeling of being full for longer. Otherwise, keep track of your habits on MFP and continue to make progress. We are all routing for you!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Also, I am absolutely terrified of going to a public gym to work out by myself. And all my friends have moved away so I don't have someone to go with me. What are some good home workouts to do that don't require crazy expensive equipment and a lot of space?

    Sorry, I don't know much about hypothyroidism, but calisthenics are free exercises that can be done at home in very little space.

    Jumping jacks, crunches, burpees, mtn climbers, squats, lunges, hi knees, russian twists, bridges, push ups, tricep dips (does require something to dip from, a chair works), etc.

    There are many routines you can find online for free. Dancing is also free and great exercise. In fact, you can become quite fit with a mix of calisthenics and dancing without spending any money.
  • bpotts44
    bpotts44 Posts: 1,066 Member
    I need to find what is right for me. I have hypothyroidism and I've seen so many different things of "you need to do this" diets and I don't know what to go with that'll work. Does anyone else with hypothyroidism have a diet plan that is working for them?

    Also, I am absolutely terrified of going to a public gym to work out by myself. And all my friends have moved away so I don't have someone to go with me. What are some good home workouts to do that don't require crazy expensive equipment and a lot of space?

    Last but not least, how do you over come the cravings? My guilty pleasures are bread and potatoes. I have such a hard time telling myself no!

    Any and all help is greatly appreciated!

    To support thyroid health try to get some shellfish in your diet like oysters or scallops routinely. Also, I would look at a good iodine supplement. I take seadine for that. You could also take desiccated thyroid supplements to boost your thyroid.

    There are tons of home workouts, you can walk, jog, pushups, planks, squats, burpees, etc. I do all my workouts at home and love it. I just picked up some equipment on craigslist.

    If bread or something else is a trigger I would personally avoid it all together. Me personally I avoid all sugars and grains and it works to eliminate cravings, but if I give in then I really go off the deep end.