New Diet - Advice Please

Hi everyone,
I'm looking at a new meal plan to follow. I'm currently aiming for around 1,400 calories a day, but have no set meals and normally find my percentages for carbs and fat over what I would like. I also weight train, do hiit cardio and play football totalling in 5 days exercise a week. I sometimes eat my exercise calories back too. I'm wanting to lose my stubborn fat and tone up, gain muscle. I weight 8st 12 at the minute and haven't lost any weight the last few weeks but looking at progress pictures I've defiantly lose some inches (need to check my BF% at the gym again to know how much).
Anyway, the new plan would be something like this:

Meal 1 - porridge (instant quaker original) with a multivitamin

Meal 2 - protein shake and apple (100calories)

Meal 3 - chicken with new potatoes/sweet potato/brown pasta and green veg or salad

Meal 4 - warburtons seeded thin with either turkey peices or scrambled eggs (depending on if I'm at work or uni etc)

Meal 5 - I normally have tea with mum so it will be whatever we have together, although it is always some sort of meat and fish, with veg and potatoes of some sort. I always weigh out my potatoes and have no more than 100g, same with meal 3.

Meal 6 - Protein shake and tangerine

I would also have rice cakes on hand for any cravings..
This plan would take me over 1.400 calories a day but would it still help me tone up and build muscle?
Also is their any supplements I should be taking, I've heard flaxseed oil is good?

Any advice would be great, thank you :-)