I Don't Believe in the Progress I've Made



  • astronomicals
    astronomicals Posts: 1,537 Member
    I hate to say it, but, I'm guilty of not seeing change in overweight friends. I don't say anything, but, I'm surprised when they say how much they've lost. As you get closer to a healthy weight, each pound will look like more an more.

    20 is a lot and you should be proud. Just keep at it.

    If you think about mass, a 14" pizza is much bigger than a 12" pizza. Like 50% bigger. Now think of your body as pizzas (lol... im loving this analogy)... If you go from a 14" pizza to a 12" pizza you still may look like a nice delicious pizza, but, a lot is gone. When you're a 9" pizza youre gonna be like "Whoa, I'm a small pizza"
  • YouAreYourChoices
    YouAreYourChoices Posts: 64 Member
    I have read that when people lose a significant amount of weight they often times still see the person they were. And that it helps to make changes to your appearance. Maybe change your hair? Or even your wardrobe. Just create something new to see so your mind isn't stuck on focusing on who you were but in fact on who you are. Congrats on the loss. :)