should I exercise every day?

cherys Posts: 387 Member
I've read that you should have a couple of days off each week, if you run and do bootcamp style workouts. But my day job is desk based from home, so on a normal day if I don't exercise, the most I do is climb a few flights of stairs up and down in the house, and go for a 30 min walk with a friend and her dog. That's not really an average day's physical exercise is it?
Today I logged food. Thought I'd been pretty careful. But came in over calories because there was no exercise to compensate for it.

Usually I do 2 60 mins bootcamps and 2 x 5 mile runs per week.

Would it be sensible to do something like a 30 day shred style exercise every day I'm not doing a full workout, to compensate for the very sedentary lifestyle that got me overweight in the first place? Or will no days off lead to injury?


  • train_01
    train_01 Posts: 135 Member
    I would say listen to your body, first and foremost. Outside that, I exercise mostly cardio 4-5x per week and have lost 15 lbs in 10 weeks (also doing calorie counting with a moderate deficit). I don't think there is a need to push yourself to do it every day, as long as when you do it, you are getting your heartrate up.

    Edit: I also sit at a desk most days and am pretty sedentary also.
  • cherys
    cherys Posts: 387 Member
    Thanks for your reply.

    15 pounds in 10 weeks with a moderate calories deficit is pretty fantastic going! Congratulations. That's the sort of eating and exercise plan you can stick to longterm. I'll looking to do similar (20lbs in 10 weeks) so maybe need to up the exercise or deficit.

    As the weight drops, the exercise gets easier though, I've noticed.