Just started & excited but.....

Hi everyone, I just joined two days ago so am on day three and just love this site and the program. I am not excessively over weight but am considered in the obese range because of BMI of 32 and height/weight ration. My issue is I trying to lose the weight around the middle because my lower back is killing me! Also I have an issue with my nerves back there that make my back, leg and foot ache, leading to numbness. Therefore I can't do any walking or running or standing on my feet too long. If you check out my photos, these are for real!! I chose the ones I wouldn't show anyone else to show the "real me"-LOL! I'm hoping the weight loss will alleviate the pain. Otherwise, it's injections and possible surgery. Does anyone else have these issues or if you did, what did you do. I am grateful for any help. Thanks so much!


  • knra_grl
    knra_grl Posts: 1,568 Member
    Make an appointment with your doc to consult with what may or may not impact your current issues and maybe ask him/her to refer you to a good physiotherapist to set up a plan. I would think low impact things maybe swimming to start - you don't even have to do laps just move around in the pool at your own comfort. Then you could do the hot tub afterwards for "therapy" :flowerforyou:

    Also tracking your food is the majority of successful weight loss so make sure you stay within the range of the calories MFP calculated for you and weigh and measure your foods (this is key). If you don't have a scale - buy one (a cheap $12 scale will do) just make sure it measures in grams and ounces.
  • RinnyLush
    RinnyLush Posts: 389 Member
    At my heaviest (235lbs, BMI of 35.7), the extra weight I was carrying around put a lot of pressure on my lower back. I started off with low impact exercises like biking, swimming, and eventually the elliptical and walking. I actually lost most of my weight once I started walking 5 days a week! The more weight you lose, the easier activity becomes, and the more choices you will have.

    Now, I am 164 lbs (BMI of 25.0[normal]) and my favourite forms of exercise are running and hot yoga. I run 3-4 times a week for a half hour at a time, and do hot yoga once a week for strength, stretching, and meditation. I still have about 10 (maybe 15?) lbs left to lose, but those pounds are superfluous to what I really care about now - my fitness, health, and quality of life. I love my new routine, but I never would have gotten here if I didn't first start out small.

    Do what you CAN do, for right now. Soon, you'll find that you CAN do other things as time goes by and some of the pounds drop off. Best wishes! :flowerforyou:

    EDIT: In case my ticker confuses you, it is not indicative of my entire journey - only the last portion. To date I have lost 71 lbs (over the course of a few years) and am gunning for my last 10-15 lbs at this point.
  • kimfoto
    kimfoto Posts: 6
    Thanks everyone and to reply to the answers posted; I have been tracking my food religiously and love the fact that they have just about everything in the food categories-that makes it super easy. As for seeing a DR, I have been to my PCP and and a neurologist and they both say bicycling and yoga are the best for me with my back issues. I do think once the weight starts to come off the less stress it will have on my back because I LOVE walking too! I have a great bathroom scale that weighs in pounds and ounces, so every bit helps.
    I'm drinking the water with a squeeze of lemon and tracking that too-LOL! Also, really enjoying searching for new recipes since I love to cook.