
So... I'm just starting to feel like I'm finding my rhythm with this whole thing and I'm leaving for an all inclusive vacation in Mexico in one week. I'd kinda like to continue with the diet but it's pretty much impossible with all the food and booze... Any suggestions?? I don't want to lose all of the progress I've made up to this point!


  • techgal128
    techgal128 Posts: 719 Member
    To be honest, you can't really be on a diet on a vacation and expect to have fun! If you are going to cut out anything, cut out the alcohol.

    One thing I'd like to say is that real Mexican food is a lot different than what we have in America (from what I understand). Things are fresher and I would imagine lower calorie. Depending on what hotel you stay at, there is probably a gym you can use. Make it your goal to maintain , not to lose. You can diet when you get back.

    Have fun! :)
  • kwiatrtdy
    kwiatrtdy Posts: 383 Member
    I find that if I "fall off the diet wagon" for a short amount of time it doesn't do that much damage. As long as you don't make a chocolate fountain part of your 5 day and avoid going on a week long bender hopefully you wouldn't notice much of a difference. :D
  • scoutli
    scoutli Posts: 33 Member
    I am vacationing right now! My plan is to continue my workout regimen, log my breakfast and lunch, and enjoy my dinner (whatever it may be) and a drink or 2, but not every single night. I want to enjoy myself, but not undo my hard work.
  • 970Mikaela1
    970Mikaela1 Posts: 2,013 Member
    I've got 18 days till a week in Vegas. I doubt I will count any calories, but I will be in the gym every day doing damage control . Have fun and be active, deal with consequences later.
  • NYactor1
    NYactor1 Posts: 9,642 Member
    I suggest you take me with you. I will assist with making sure you stick to your diet and workout routine. Btw, if you need me to do anything else, I'll be down by the beach with a drink in my hand.
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    Just make sure to get regular exercise.
  • Mrscanmore
    Mrscanmore Posts: 865 Member
    I just got back from 9 days in Costa Rica. I tried to make sure I exercised everyday. I didn't log my food. I did drink lots of margaritas! Tried not to over indulge too much. I wore my "small" jeans on the plane. When I put them on to come home, they felt tight. I was sure I had gained 10 lbs! So, my first 2 days back I was afraid to weigh in and ate everything in sight! I finally weighed in, had gained less than a lb. knowing this got me motivated again, and after being back a week, I've lost 2 lbs.

    So, have fun! I agree with the poster above who said try to maintain.
  • kelliw333
    kelliw333 Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks everyone for the tips! Hopefully it goes well. The biggest problem I see is the booze and the fact that 90% of the food in the all inclusive buffets is deep fried but I'll just have to watch what I eat a bit. Thanks!!