I caved

I caved today and ate a Wendy's cheeseburger. No fries, just a side salad, but still. And you know what? It wasn't worth it. Whatever I had in my head that it would taste like was false.

So now, I'm beating myself up and subconsciously feeling my jeans get tighter. WHY does the food have to win?


  • Amarillo_NDN
    Amarillo_NDN Posts: 1,018 Member
    Don't beat your self up. Just remember we are all out numbered. Any where you look you see food, and 94% of it not what we should be eating. With that said. Hey, just try how you feel now and bring that up next time. We did not put the weight on over night, and it just going to take time to get it back off.
  • katschy
    It doesn't win - now you know that the burger wasn't worth it, and the next time you have a craving you'll be able to say, Heck Naw! One cheeseburger isn't worth beating yourself up over, either! Chalk it up to a learning experience and keep moving forward :)
  • Hey you. I would not worry one bit about a single cheese burger! Of course, the human body does not 'need' them, but having a single sloppy burger is hardly a binge. Everything in moderation. Right? You totally did the right thing!
  • platoon
    platoon Posts: 340
    Forget about it, and keep it moving! Leave the past in past, and try not to repeat the mistakes... that's all we can do! :-)
  • sallyLunn
    I am impressed that you didn't have the fries. Maybe it wasn't the "healthiest choice" but I bet it was a "healthier choice" than you would have made before you decided to eat healthier.
  • rockinmomto3
    rockinmomto3 Posts: 97 Member
    It's okay!! Don't beat yourself up. It was just one burger, not an entire meal! Just accept what is, and do better tomorrow. That's all you can do! I had quite a few setbacks when I first got going, but I promise, as you continue to eat better, you won't want the fast food as much. For me, the cravings were REALLY bad the first two or three weeks. But once I got over that hump, they went away. I haven't had fast food in weeks, and I don't even think about it anymore. I see commercials on TV, and it just looks gross! You'll get there too!
  • mmaccree
    Like everyone else has told you already...don't beat yourself up. I did a similar thing 2 days ago, but it was with pizza...the next day I saw that pizza on the scale and realized it wasn't worth it!! I got right back on my program the next day and I'm back down to where I was 2 days ago and I'm going to keep going!

    We all slip up...have moments that we give in to those foods not good for us, but I think it keeps me going. I've had my junk food, which I figure will last me for another couple months and then I'll probably do it again...maybe not 4 slices of pizza like I did this time, but I know down the road I will again give into those temptations again!
  • kelsully
    kelsully Posts: 1,008 Member
    Those cave moments are worth it because you learned that you don't really love and crave a Wendy's cheeseburger as much as the idea of one What you learned this time will help keep you motivated next time. Some caves are worth it...others are not. A night out and a decadent meal that you savor each and every morsel is worth a calorie splurge....the Wendy's burger that leaves you feeling unsatisfied is not..it is all about learning what is worth it to you.
  • Mangoose
    I caved today and ate a Wendy's cheeseburger. No fries, just a side salad, but still. And you know what? It wasn't worth it. Whatever I had in my head that it would taste like was false.

    So now, I'm beating myself up and subconsciously feeling my jeans get tighter. WHY does the food have to win?

    I had a VERY similar thing with smoking. I had quit smoking for 3 months at the time, when I walked into a shop and decided to buy a pack of cigarettes. I expected it to taste how it used to taste, the smell and the feeling I got from it. I smoked half a cigarette, and it was horrible. It was nothing like I remembered. I stubbed it out, threw the rest away and I never smoked again. That was almost 2 years ago.

    I think everything has these slip ups, but it's an important step. You don't learn from getting it right, you learn from making mistakes.

    So keep it up, work as hard as you can, and don't beat yourself up about the odd slip up. Learn your lesson and move on.

    And well done for admitting it on here. It's a huge thing to do. Eating it and pretending you didn't do it would be the worst thing you could have done.

    Best of luck!

  • vancelynvkd
    vancelynvkd Posts: 3 Member
    some time you have to know that its not about what you eat its how much you intake........ Once in a whilei think everyone can treat them self but dont over do it ........ its gonna take some time but if ur still active thats what counts.
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    Don't beat yourself up. And next time, if you feel the need to slip, just order the Jr. Cheeseburger and then you won't feel like you killed your calories for the day as they only have 340 calories or so.
  • grouch201
    grouch201 Posts: 404 Member
    I don't see the cheesburger as a loss, but the choice of a salad instead of fries as a VICOTRY! As the song goes....accentuate the positive! Learn and move on.
  • SweetPandora
    SweetPandora Posts: 660 Member
    You ate it, owned up to it so now log it in your foods and move on.

    We all have days we want or eat something that we may not be happy with, it happens. If it didn't we wouldn't be here trying to make healthy lifestyle changes.

    If you are feeling guilty try and drink a couple extra glasses of water or go for a walk or up your exercise to burn it off and flush it out of your system.

  • RaeN81
    RaeN81 Posts: 534 Member
    I actually wouldn't worry too much about it, especially if you are adding it to your calorie count. I'm going to have a moment of seriously embarassing honesty here: I probably have fast food a couple of times a week! (and I've lost nearly 30 pounds in three months). Funny enough, I've actually found it to be better than sit-down restaurants for watching my calorie count LOL. I just eat smaller portions (like often the kids menu) of it and opt for diet soda. On those days, I often go to the gym and burn off the excess--maybe a trip to the gym would make you feel better too!

    Good for you for having a side salad! Keep making those positive choices--they do add up!
  • Erabella
    Thank you for reminding me about my no-fries choice. I didn't even realize that.

    I'll still do my regular work out this afternoon up at the gym. Of course the gym is on the top floor of my building with huge windows looking out across this part of town....right at that Wendy's. Maybe I'll use that as motivation to push it just a bit harder today.

    Stupid burger. :grumble:
  • knittygirl52
    knittygirl52 Posts: 432 Member
    No beating up allowed! All you did was show that you are human. And you learned something--that junk food doesn't taste as good as you think it does! So keep up the rest of your good work--over time this won't even show up as a blip on the radar screen.

    Remember: this is a marathon, not a sprint!
  • justahorsen
    Remember too that this is a lifestyle change...are you never going to eat a burger again for the rest of your life??? The side salad was a positive choice and the next time you want a burger get a small one and take the top bun off, cut the rest in half to make a "double" meat 1/2 sandwich (I don't like to eat them "open-faced")
    The lesson should be moderation, not denial.....
  • ppennington
    It doesn't have to win and next time when you are tempted you will remember it wasn't all that and YOU WILL WIN !
  • ppennington
    What a good idea.....take the top of the bun off a burger, cut it in half and make it a double. Great idea. I'll remember that. I used to take the top off and eat it with a fork but your way is much better.