how can I get more protein in?

I'm trying to drop around 15-20lbs. MFP gives me 1390 net calories per day (girl, 21, 5'7-5'8, 155lbs) to drop 1lb a week. I'm trying to do 2-3 hours of cardio over the course of the week and 3-4 strength sessions, each 20-40 minutes. Cardio is mostly running and rollerblading and strength training is the usual stuff. My weights 10lbs for arm stuff and 20lbs for legs. I know I'm a wimp, I legit just doubled my weights from what I was doing before so I'm working on getting stronger. I hauled 40lbs from the basement up three flights of stairs and almost died so I'm not kidding about being weak.

I have two questions. What should my macros be like? I've heard you can't build muscle at a deficit but I want to get stronger (hoping to up the weights by the end of March!) so should I be eating more protein? MFP is giving me a 50c/30f/20p breakdown, is that enough protein? If I need more protein, what are good sources that I can have as snacks and add to meals aside from just meat? (I eat meat but I do want alternatives too.)

Second question; what works for you in terms of cheat meals/days? I have a problem with buying a bag of candy and eating it all in one sitting and then feeling really down :/ And I ain't talking about the tiny bags, I'm talking 200g of mini eggs here. I know different things work for different people but I just want to get a feel for what works for people because if I could stop binging I know that the weight would drop off.


  • socioseguro
    socioseguro Posts: 1,679 Member

    You can find this topic a lot at the MFP message boards, at "Food and Nutrition" and also at "Recipes"

    Using the "Search" option, there is a recent link

    I particularly do not schedule "cheat days" or "cheat meals". I found myself not being able to follow my nutrition plan one day (i.e. I am flying through with stopovers), then I eat the most healthier option at the airport food court (sometimes there is not any), so I go back to my nutrition plan, as soon as I can. I take it one day at a time.

    As far as "food binges", all I can say is try to find the root cause of your binge (i.e. stress, boredom, habit ?). When I feel an urge to eat, I drink more water and wait 15 minutes. Then, I am still feeling hungry I have some veggies or fruit for snack.

    Good luck in your healthy journey