Greetings! I've 36.5 pounds to shed

hijadeochun Posts: 4
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
Hi all,

I'm normally not one to join community boards but I've been reading the posts and felt inspired by all of the kindness and encouragement that I've been reading - we are all in the same boat and trying to give it our all to do what is good for us.

I just downloaded the MFP app to my iphone yesterday and did all my measurement today. Boy is it tough to see the numbers and wonder to myself, "How did that happen?". At 21, I weighed 175 after gaining my freshman 15 and then some. I lost it got down to 148 during the summer preceding 9/11. I lived a few blocks away and my community lost quite a number of people so it was an emotional time to say the least, though I didn't register it then. I got stressed by juggling school, a budding relationship and a very emotionally wrought family, and lost even more pounds from stress induced illness. I gradually gained some back at got to a comfortable 155.

I moved to a new country four years ago and since then have climbed up to 184, my heaviest ever. I'm done with the tough parts of moving, learning a new language, and making new friends in a cold country so I am ready to shed this protective comfort skin that I have covered myself in. It's time to take the wheel and go to better places, literally and figuratively.
I look forward to tracking my progress on MFP and to monitoring the unfolding stories of everyone else here.

Blessings and well wishes to us all :)



  • Hello!!

    I know that you will be able to do lose the weight. With all of the great support you get on this site it should be enough motivation. I am trying to lose 40 pounds, so we can team up and do this together. I have found if I log everything that I have before I have it then I do better because I see how many calories something has before I eat it. It's too late after you eat it and don't have enough time to exercise.

    Just keep your head up and stay determined and that will really help. I wish you the best of luck!

  • platoon
    platoon Posts: 340
    Hi Hija! I know you can lose those pounds... We'll cheer you on!
  • That's great advice with logging food beforehand, I will definitely do that.
    Thanks for the positivity!! :) I send it back to you 10 fold.
  • Thank you Platoon! Likewise! :)
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