Starting over!

Stefgoju Posts: 43 Member
Hello everybody,

My name is Stef and I'm a great fitness and martial arts enthusiast. I also love running and have lifted weights up untill now.

A back injury made me rethink my ways, I'm dropping the weight lifting and gonna use callisthenics from now on. I am also convinced this is better suited for my martial arts training.
After the injury I also gained some weight, I went from 92 kg (203 pounds) to 100kg (220.5 pounds) and now here we are.
I always noticed that tracking my food and workouts worked like a charm for me but I missed the support I am hoping to find here!
Using the martial arts and callisthenics I am going to reach my goal weight of 78 kg!
Hoping to find alot of like minded people and friends with this site!

Keep on rocking!
