Newbie & real start of my weight loss journey

Hi everyone! My name is Kei. I'm almost 20, and am from London, UK.
I've actually used MFP in the past when I did attempt to start losing weight but it kinda went down the toilet. So recently, I've started again.
So basically, I have a long road ahead of me. I've been struggling with being overweight since I was 11, and have been obese for years now. I'm 5ft 7" and I'm currently 105 kilos. I need to get down to a healthy weight in order to get an operation I've been needing for years (not related to my weight), as doctors have told me its unsafe to put me under anaesthetic at my size. Not only that, my self esteem is at the lowest its ever been, and tend to get made fun of by others in public, its embarrassing.

So I have finally got my act together and changed my lifestyle for much more healthier living. In the past few months, I've lost almost a stone before even actually trying, I don't know how though? So what i'm doing now, and have been doing the past week, is a long walk everyday (until I can afford to go to the gym), I normally do about 4/5 miles on a typical walk and it does really tired me out as i'm not used to exercise yet. I'm a fast walker, so i'm going at a decent speed. The other day I did 10 miles which was way too much for me, I wont be doing that again for a long time.

As for diet, that has completely changed. All I used to eat before is cookies, bread, crisps, whole pizzas and entire boxes of cakes. I was very bad now that I think about it and I rarely exercised other than 5 minute walks to the shops.
Now I balance and plan my meals and food throughout the day, or the day before actually. I set aside one treat day for myself, today is actually my treat day, as i'm going to have a cheese and tuna panini for example.
Typical breakfast is normally porridge made with water, honey and bananas or some other concoction. I drink mainly water and will have green smoothies that my mum makes now and again. Oh and nettle and green tea too yet they don't taste good, I'm not a tea person. Lots of greens and eggs added into my diet also. I'm aiming to keep my food under 1200 calories, and aim to burn about 900 calories or more 5 days a week.

My overall goal weight is 77 kilos/ 12 stone. I have a good 5 stone to go.


  • Aniras86
    Aniras86 Posts: 5
    Hi Kei,

    Good to see someone else starting out. I've been off the wagon for awhile now and I'm ready to get back at it!

    Do you like sliced lemon in your water? I love it! And my other piece of advice would be eat off small plates and bowls! Just the extra water intake and smaller portions will help a lot right off the bat as you figure out all how to get more active!

    If you can, try some stretching or look up free yoga workouts online. These are great! There are tons of free workouts online for those not able to go to a gym yet! There's so much you can do with one 10 lb. dumbbell, too!

    Good luck as you start your journey and remember: you only fail if you don't get up and go!
  • Charlottecornish
    Charlottecornish Posts: 16 Member
    First of all I want to say well done you!!!! You seem to be determined this time!!! Make sure you eat plenty of slow release foods so you feel fuller for longer and are not tempted to snack. Good luck!!! Take one day at a time!
  • The only suggestion I have is to make sure you net at least 1200 calories a day. Any less, and you risk not providing your body with proper nutrition and it increases the chance of binging or going off track because it's not as sustainable. You also want to be able to eat as much as possible while still losing weight, so set MFP to 1lb a week weight loss, and go by the amount of calories it gives you. You'll still lose weight, but you'll be able to gradually decrease the calories as you lose the weight.