Calories burned during strength training

I am starting to do some strength training. I am using Fitness Blender and trying to figure out how to but it on here. Should I just use calisthenics like I have been? When I put my time in under calisthenics I get less calorie count then the range that was listed on Fitness Blender. I am new at this whole thing so I am pretty confused.


  • Mr_Excitement
    Mr_Excitement Posts: 833 Member
    Calories spent weight training are tough to estimate, since there are so many variables (types of lifts, intensity, weight, etc.). MFP has a "weight training" option listed under cardio that seems to fall into an accurate-ish range for myself (something like 200 calories for a 45-60 minute workout), but that may not be true for you.

    Does Fitness Blender kind of mix in some cardiovascular types of work into the routine as well, or is it strictly weight training?
  • cj5cents
    cj5cents Posts: 6
    They also mixed in cardio. It was one set of 10 of two different lifts then 1 minute cardio and a second set of 10 and 1 more minute of cardio. Did that for 4 rounds.
  • craftywitch_63
    craftywitch_63 Posts: 829 Member
    I log my weight training in under cardio because logging it under strength training does not estimate calories. I enter the calories manually. I found a decent calculator at

    I've noticed that calculating calories on the treadmill, stairmaster, etc. the health status calculator is much closer to the number the machines give me. The MFP calories are roughly 1.5 - 2 times the amount of the machines or health status calculator.

    Hope this helps!
  • Mr_Excitement
    Mr_Excitement Posts: 833 Member
    Hmm... yeah, that's tough to estimate. I think I'd probably log it under calisthenics, vigorous effort myself. That'd probably be more accurate than just listing weight training, which will give you a much lower number.
  • Never mind, I figured it out.