Females 5'7-5'8 in the 120-140pd range??

hadl0032 Posts: 117
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
Hi everyone~

I am new to the site as of a couple of days ago. I am a 29 year old female and am about 5' 7 1/2 for height, and currently weight 143. I recently put on about 10 pds this spring/summer due to lack of exercise, change in diet, and lots of alcohol during summer festivites. I am aiming to lose 15-20 pounds.

I have recently made the decision to quit smoking (first attempt in 10 years!) and so with that I have decided to cut alcohol out of my life for at least a month. I have always been an active person, but I also live somewhat "wild" lifestyle. I am looking to get healthy and fit before I turn 30 in December. I am hoping that by cutting out alcohol for a bit, I will be able to jump start my weight loss, but it is not easy, as I am single, and going out drinking is still a big part of my social life.

My current body fat is 21.7, and I would like to drop that down to 18% by January.



  • H_82
    H_82 Posts: 418 Member
    I'm about the same stats as you.... 5'-8", 144lbs & looking to lose 10-20 (hopefully 20) lbs. This site has helped me so much w/ the calorie intake. Before, I'm sure I was WAY over my calories, which would explain why I wasn't losing anything. I've also been pretty religious w/ my exercising.

    I was doing good last week until I went out to eat w/ my husband and some friends...which of course led to too much wine before supper & too many drinks afterwards...No more drinking that much for me. I've decided only 1 drink if I do go out (which isn't very often).

    Feel free to friend me for motivation! And good luck!
  • Try adding exercising to your social life! Work out with friends, join a gym and meet friends, join a team/ club sport...

    I too get a lot of calories and socialization from drinking and it can add up quickly. When I go to the bar I order a drink and a water, and don't get another drink until both are gone. This helps stay hydrated, cuts down the drinking and calories, and makes it easier to get up in the morning to work out with out a hangover. Another easy way to limit the calories is to watch what you drink. There is a website called skinnygirlcocktails.com that has recipes for lower calorie drinks. Memorize a few to tell the bartender or if you mention it to a bartender many of them have a few they know themselves.
  • atynk
    atynk Posts: 400 Member
    I feel you girl!! I am 5"8ish and 144 lbs... I am looking to lose another 10 (46 lost so far)... I have not yet given up my partying... and when I say party I am talking 5-7 vodkas, shots, after bar food and next day hangover food lol... Although I would rather chug a big *kitten* bottle of wine and some vodka, right now I am sticking to only vodka + crystal light until I lose those last 10.
    I don't find my sat night drinking throws me off too much because I dance super hard (think worm lol) but its the after bar food and next day hangover food that kills my weight loss :(
    Soo my advice is to pick your battles, if you aren't dancing that night, drink less, try to plan a really yummy meal for the day after so you aren't tempted with hangover pizza or mcdonalds, and try not to eat after the bar ! Oh and also, for those nights you go out... make sure you do a KILLER workout, like burn 1000 calories b/c you are going to need that for 10 drinks lol !!

    Friend me if you'd like as it seems we will have some great weekend stories to share !
  • Bermudabarbie
    Bermudabarbie Posts: 568 Member
    Perhaps I should mind my own business, but I think the diet should match your lifestyle if it is going to work in the long run. Of course I am much, much older than you gals. Be realistic. Heavy drinking and a size 4 or 6 do not necessarily go together. Best of luck on your goals.
  • sundinsgurl
    sundinsgurl Posts: 1,157 Member
    I'm 5'7 started out at 159 when I joined here.. and down to 138 (as of 2 weeks ago, my weigh in is tomorrow so hopefully I can be down more!) Its taken me almost 5 months. I'd still like to loose another 10-13 pounds. I am 24 so my social life involves a lot of drinking as well. Let's just say I drink at least one night of a weekend, if not 2, sometimes 3 on a long weekend! I made two changes: 1) healthier food choices (of course I give in to munchies when I'm drinking lol) 2) changed from beer to rum and diet coke It's a slow and steady loss thus far. I have been trying to work out at least 3-5 times a week for 30-60 mins over the past few months. I've had a few rough patches - and of course the odd chinese food buffet visit lol Its all in moderation!!! Feel free to add me as a friend!
  • ShellyLee
    ShellyLee Posts: 293 Member
    Obviously body type is everything. I'm 25, 5'7" and about two years ago I was down to 145 (sadly up to 175 now...) and I was a nice fit size 8 and honestly don't think I would have wanted to go less than 140, but don't know what I look like at that weight either lol. I'm a definite hourglass shape with a long torso. I'm giving myself a year to get back down to 145, obviously will be happy to take it off faster lol, (originally took me about two and half slow steady years to take 40 off.. but took some breaks in there) in time to do the USMC Mud Run this time next year.
    Me b/w 145-150 in fall 2008: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=33678521&l=28e58fb956&id=21308174

    Anyway I just went to the gym regularly (atleast 3x/week), kept riding my horses, and watched my calorie count. Oddly the first 30 came off slowly and the last 10lbs just fell off... I realize that's totally backwards to normal lol.
  • atynk
    atynk Posts: 400 Member
    Perhaps I should mind my own business, but I think the diet should match your lifestyle if it is going to work in the long run. Of course I am much, much older than you gals. Be realistic. Heavy drinking and a size 4 or 6 do not necessarily go together. Best of luck on your goals.

    No worries Bermuda... I totally agree that your diet should match your lifestyle, and that is exactly why I haven't given up partying and drinking. I have been losing weight steady for a year now and got to keep having fun while at it... Even now I am a size 4-6 !
    A lot of people here have their cheat days, and I guess i have my cheat night. But for the most part that saturday night out is the only time I fall off track ! I eat very good sunday - sat night... and I work my butt off with working out, especially on saturdays.
    Even when I log all my food and booze in on a saturday, my workout plus dancing for 4 hours, I end up not being over on calories !
    Some people have their cheat pizza but I have my cheat vodkas lol... but if for some reason I stopped losing, I would have to rethink and maybe give up the booze 1x a month or so. But so far so good
  • HIzara
    HIzara Posts: 187
    oh my.

    I had to give up drinking entirely to lose weight, FAST! :cry: Well, to each his/her own. :happy:
  • I'm close to your stats too. 5'8" 135 (started at 147 here)...Logging all of my calories and keeping just under my limit is what's helped me the most... As far as alcohol goes, I don't drink very often so it hasn't been an issue for me. However make sure you how many calories are in the things you typically drink in case you do have a few at the bars. I go for fruity girly drinks and those are FULL of calories! But if you're drinking a rum and diet coke, you probably don't have to worry about it too much. Good luck with quiting smoking and cutting back on alcohol!
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    5'7", SW 190lbs now down to 142lbs, with about 10 or 15 left to go.... When I started losing I quit smoking and drinking, and it helped a TON. Not to say that you absolutely have to do it, but it became routine and I haven't had a drink since. I work in a bar on the weekends and I am never tempted, either. It just becomes habitual. I was always a social drinker, but I have supportive friends that don't mind me hanging around at bars or parties sober, and I have made a lot of progress. It's totally up to you :)

    The way I see it - I love eating good food and cooking for friends and family. I'd much rather spend 500 calories on a great meal with friends than 3 drinks at the bar and end up feeling like **** the next day because I barely ate to compensate. Weight loss over a longer period of time is about moderation and this-or-that decisions... If I have to choose to dedicate calories to alcohol or protein and nutrient rich carbs, you better believe I'm picking the latter.

    Good luck on your weight loss, and quitting cold turkey. It's a ***** but so worthwhile. Your lungs will thank you.
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