Protein Shakes

Hi, I'm currently doing Slim Fast to kick start my weight loss but looking at my nutrition I can see my carbs have gone sky high due to it's sugar content. So a question, could I replace one or both of the shakes with a protein shake? Would that provide as a sufficient meal replacement? Help!


  • lynn1982
    lynn1982 Posts: 1,439 Member
    Pardon the bluntless, but why not try *real* food? It works.
  • F00LofaT00K
    F00LofaT00K Posts: 688 Member
    You can replace anywhere from 1 slim fast shake to ALL of your slim fast shakes with whatever you want and still lose weight as long as you are in a caloric deficit. If you look around this site you will find a lot of helpful information about healthy and SUSTAINABLE ways to lose weight. Sustainability is important and a lack of sustainability is what causes most people to fail and gain their weight back.

    For example. . . it is unrealistic to expect to drink slim fast for the rest of your life. Most people who lose weight with slim fast WILL gain it back once (IF) they reach their goal. Why? They never learned how to maintain a healthy weight while eating actual food while losing their weight. They reach their goal and then go back to eating how they did before.
  • abble_pie
    abble_pie Posts: 144 Member
    If you're looking for a "meal replacement," ditch the processed junk that's in slim fast and make your own green smoothies. Spinach, berries, almond milk, protein powder. (many other recipes can be found online). There isn't really a need to replace meals, but if you're looking to go that route don't use slim fast. Read the ingredients list! Gross!
  • sarahsmiles2013
    sarahsmiles2013 Posts: 42 Member
    You can replace anywhere from 1 slim fast shake to ALL of your slim fast shakes with whatever you want and still lose weight as long as you are in a caloric deficit. If you look around this site you will find a lot of helpful information about healthy and SUSTAINABLE ways to lose weight. Sustainability is important and a lack of sustainability is what causes most people to fail and gain their weight back.

    For example. . . it is unrealistic to expect to drink slim fast for the rest of your life. Most people who lose weight with slim fast WILL gain it back once (IF) they reach their goal. Why? They never learned how to maintain a healthy weight while eating actual food while losing their weight. They reach their goal and then go back to eating how they did before.

    This.......I drink protein shakes in between regular meals to provide sufficient fuel before my workouts. Don't rely just on shakes/drinks to fuel your body. If you use them, use them to compliment a healthy food and workout plan.
  • If you're looking for a "meal replacement," ditch the processed junk that's in slim fast and make your own green smoothies. Spinach, berries, almond milk, protein powder. (many other recipes can be found online). There isn't really a need to replace meals, but if you're looking to go that route don't use slim fast. Read the ingredients list! Gross!

  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    Slim Fast shakes won't kick start weight loss any more than a balanced diet made up of real foods. The high sugar content alone should be a sign that real food could do more for your health.

    Any who, here is a great link to get started on losing weight using real food.

    There are also a ton of recipes on the site that can give you an easy grab and go meal that will give you a better nutritional content than the shakes.
  • 12skipafew99100
    12skipafew99100 Posts: 1,669 Member
    I tried those shakes years and years ago and by the second day I was gagging on them. YUCK!:noway:
    Make your own with greek yogurt, almond milk, frozen fruit of various kinds, greens of various kinds <
    lots of these and a scoop of protein powder. :smile:
  • Thanks, but I really just want to know if a protein shake is a suitable meal replacement.
  • Thanks to the comments ref the protein, as I don't know much about them I was just concerned that they were just complimentary and not a meal replacement. The amount of sugar in Slim Fast worries me as I have PCOS, so I need to cut my calories quite a bit to lose weight and keep it low GI too at the same time.

    Only looking to do this short term. I know how to eat healthily, I lost 6 stone a few years back doing exactly that but it took a long time, I am just looking to drop the weight I gained having a baby. I don't have much time in my schedule for too much calorie counting, weighing and preparing food so shakes are the best option for me.
  • trekkie_bbs
    trekkie_bbs Posts: 64 Member
    I found regular small curd Cottage Cheese is high in protein. I do NOT eat the fat free stuff cause it is loaded with sugar. I rather eat the fat than the carbs and I'm losing weight just fine this way. Best part is you can add your favorite fruit apple, pear, banana, whatever you like fresh or even in the snack pack cups (watch for syrups to be added cause they are loaded with sugar).

    Believe in yourself stick to your plan and make sure to eat what you like NOT what you think you must. Ultimately if you don't you will get to the weight you want. Go back to eating what you like and gain it all back :(

    I LOVE potatoes. There is no way I can live without them so I found that I could boil them in chicken stock and although this is more of a treat than an everyday meal it is something I will do again.

    Also Alton Brown has come up with a recipe for Lentil soup that is VERY tasty. Lots of protein and little carbs.

    Best wishes,

  • aqualeo1
    aqualeo1 Posts: 331 Member
    What people are trying to say is that the only thing that matters is how many calories you consume in a day. If shakes are convenient for you that's fine just make sure the calories fit. There really is no such thing as a meal "replacement". The shake is your meal since it contains calories. If it's say 200 calories for a slim fast shake that's no different than a 200 cal protein shake or 200 cal of any other type of food.
  • Ok, thanks for the concern, but like I said, this is just a short term thing.

    One member mentioned the nasties that are in the ingredients list, I'm actually using Tesco's Ultra Slim, I said Slim Fast because that is what people know and it's just a supermarket version, I've looked at the ingredients list and there isn't anything I'm too worried about maybe someone could shed some light?

    Fructose,Milk Proteins ,Inulin ,Fat Reduced Cocoa Powder (10%) ,Soya Oil ,Maltodextrin ,Thickeners (Xanthan Gum, Carboxymethylcellulose) ,Minerals (Tripotassium Citrate, Magnesium Carbonate, Ferric Diphosphate, Zinc Oxide, Manganese Sulphate, Cupric Carbonate, Potassium Iodide, Sodium Selenite) ,Salt ,Emulsifier (Soya Lecithins) ,Flavouring ,Vitamins (Ascorbic Acid, Nicotinamide, DL-Alpha-Tocopherol Acetate, Pantothenic Acid, Pyridoxine Hydrochloride, Riboflavin, Retinyl Acetate, Thiamine Mononitrate, Folic Acid, Biotin, Cyanocobalamin, Cholecalciferol) ,Sweetener (Steviol Glycosides) ,Antioxidants (Ascorbyl Palmitate, Alpha-Tocopherol)
  • BigTireFlipper
    BigTireFlipper Posts: 116 Member
    Thanks to the comments ref the protein, as I don't know much about them I was just concerned that they were just complimentary and not a meal replacement. The amount of sugar in Slim Fast worries me as I have PCOS, so I need to cut my calories quite a bit to lose weight and keep it low GI too at the same time.

    Only looking to do this short term. I know how to eat healthily, I lost 6 stone a few years back doing exactly that but it took a long time, I am just looking to drop the weight I gained having a baby. I don't have much time in my schedule for too much calorie counting, weighing and preparing food so shakes are the best option for me.

    What? Yes 1 calorie = 1 calorie, but no, those calories are not all created equal. The nutrients found in food are far more beneficial than those found in "meal replacements". That's why people are saying "why not eat real food instead?" That's the real point about lasting changes isn't it? Eat real food responsibly and ditch the crap replacements.
  • LycraLegs
    LycraLegs Posts: 62 Member
    If you're looking for a "meal replacement," ditch the processed junk that's in slim fast and make your own green smoothies. Spinach, berries, almond milk, protein powder. (many other recipes can be found online). There isn't really a need to replace meals, but if you're looking to go that route don't use slim fast. Read the ingredients list! Gross!

  • TonyPillz
    TonyPillz Posts: 248 Member
    Well not to rain on anyone's parade here , but slimfast may well be evil here. However it worked for me and it worked well , it helped me tackle a lot of cravings and i also went from slimfast (In 2 months) to a high protein low carb diet and lost between 5 and 6 stone in weight.

    But in all fairness there are cheaper brands out there , the only time i use slimfast now or another generic brand is when i skip a meal or i just don't have time to eat.

    Protein shakes are good depending on how much your exercise , i gain a bit of muscle on my back and arms from rowing 10 minutes a day and slowly increasing the length i did it for.
  • carolanneashton
    carolanneashton Posts: 25 Member
    I have recently started drinking maxi muscle lean protein shakes after my workout and for me I feel full for a good few hours after I drink it. Before my workout I have a banana, a slice of toast with peanut butter on and a cup of coffee then a couple of hours later I go to the gym about an hour later which brings me to lunch I have my shake maybe a salad aswell and I feel satisfied untill my evening meal I hope this helps :happy:
  • I think I get the impression people don't like Slim Fast? Haha. Without wanting to come across as facetious I have been dieting for 20 years, I've lost a lot of weight in the past, more than most people and maintained for many years. I am aware that Slim Fast doesn't teach you how to eat well and isn't as good for you as food, but at the moment it's my choice for weight loss.
  • Thanks Carolann, I was looking at Myprotein shakes, they do a meal replacement which is mega expensive or just their standard whey which is good value.
  • BigTireFlipper
    BigTireFlipper Posts: 116 Member
    Well not to rain on anyone's parade here , but slimfast may well be evil here. However it worked for me and it worked well , it helped me tackle a lot of cravings and i also went from slimfast (In 2 months) to a high protein low carb diet and lost between 5 and 6 stone in weight.

    Not to pick a fight or anything like that, but your weight loss success was really based on the high protein low carb aspect of your diet and nothing at all to do with shakes themselves. The point I'm trying to make here is that they are entirely unnecessary to one's success in this endeavor.
  • TonyPillz
    TonyPillz Posts: 248 Member
    No i totally understand your opinion and i fully respect it , and i agree towards the end of the first few months it was the high protein low carbs that starting the **real** weight loss , but its a nice stepping stone , and as long as people know that slimfast isnt a permanent fix then they should be ok.

    Slimfast was just a gateway into a world of dieting for me , and i'm now so much more educated with fitness and my own dietary needs thanks to the first stepping stone (Slimfast).

    I will give you a small example , i brought tescos own meal replacement called ultra slim , i used it for 4 days and now im slowly coming off it and replacing it with healthier alternatives , like for example i will have a protein shake and exercise , or if i want to chill out 2 egg whites whole and some brown bread.

    I think as long as we stress just to use it as a stepping stone and teach people more about the nutritional value of real food whilst there using it we can accomplish something far greater than just bashing someones method the bashing has all been constructive though.