New but not yet diagnosed

Hello group! I'm new to the prospect of SLE/Lupus but not to MFP. I have gotten lazy documenting via MFP lately, but am resuming to help keep track of my diet for my doc. I am 29 and usually quite healthy with lots of energy. In fact, I eat 100% plant-based vegan diet (as of July 2013), and felt EXCELLENT until the start of 2014. My general history is below, and I've begun documenting for my doc, who thinks I have systemic lupus. We are waiting for the results of a biopsy done on a tongue ulcer to proceed. If I end up not being diagnosed, I'll remove myself from the group, but given my symptoms, it is comforting to know that there are others out there living with similar symptoms and also working towards a healthy lifestyle. So, hello!

Overall Life:
*history of anemia (clinically documented)
*chicken pox twice
*skin sensitive to sunburns and rashes
*Vegetarian in Nov. 2012
*Vegan in July 2013
*Began Depo Provera in August of 2013 (most recent dose January 2013, will be last dose)
*History of ovarian cysts rupturing
*History of urinary tract infections and kidney infections (more than 20 since 2009, most documented by ER visits).
*History of dry skin regardless of moisturizing daily and keeping myself well-hydrated
*Since March 4, I take plant-based probiotics and two multivitamins daily.

Since January 1, 2014:

January 2-5: flu-like symptoms (dry cough, muscle pain and joint stiffness. Assumed it was flu, went to local clinic but they didn’t perform viral test).
January 24-31: Ulcer on left side of tongue. No trouble swallowing. Assumed I burned my tongue on hot coffee. Went away after 7 days.
Feb. 2: Noticed rash on my right breast, with poison-ivy like pus. Was seen that week by my gynecologist and had an ultrasound done. With antibiotics and steroid cream, the rash went away after close to 2 weeks. During this time, pain under my right breast developed, and was daily.
Feb. 16-22: Travelled to Hong Kong, China for business. No issues during this time.
Feb. 22-27: Travelled to Sydney, Australia for business.
Feb. 23: After a day on the beach, I returned to the hotel exhausted and noticed a rash across my chest. Rash was gone the next day. Used SPF 50 spray-on.
Feb. 24: Developed a dry cough and fever of 101 (seen by local physician). Sent back to hotel. Slept a total of 18 hours until the next day. Fever was gone when I awoke.
Feb. 27: Returned to the US
March 1: Noticed tongue was sore.
March 2: Noticed tongue ulcer had returned. Later became very difficult to swallow and eat. Hurt a lot more than first time, and the fatigue was overwhelming.
March 4: Went to ER. Was tested for strep throat but came back negative. ER physician was unsure what the ulcer was from, and recommended I see an oral surgeon.
March 5: Saw Dr. Pape and provided history given here. Tongue biopsy was performed and pain meds were prescribed. Results March 17.
(ongoing during this time) Extremely tired and sleeping a lot. Typical night’s sleep is 9-11 hours, and naps every day. Took Wednesday and Friday off from work to rest.
March 8: After nap, woke up with blurry vision. Doesn’t seem to favor any particular eye. Tired, tired, tired. Took the dog for a short walk outside to boost energy. Tongue still quite sore, but mostly from biopsy area/stitches.