Diet feedback please!!

Evening guys :smile:

I'm back on the weight loss journey, having lost almost 2 stone back in 2012, but gradually put it all back on again having expected to keep it off without tracking anything and moving totally away from the good routine I had established. Back then, I was in a pretty active job, practically walking continuously 8 hours or more a day. Now however, I am in an office job, and so I know the weight isn't going to be quite as easy to lose.

I just wanted some feedback and tips really on what I'm eating and doing and see what I can improve on to make it better for me...

I am female, 23 years old, 143lbs as of this morning and 5ft5. I'd love to get down to 9st or a little lower ideally depending how I feel once I get there. MFP is giving me a daily allowance of 1200 and this is how I'm using it:

3-4 cups of green tea on weekdays


Fat free yogurt (usually Muller Light)
Cereal bar (all sorts of variaties - about 100-130 calories)


Fruit (different every day)


Large tub of salad - lettuce, peppers, carrot, tomatoes, chicken, mayo
Sugar free jelly


Another portion of fruit


Some typical meals - fajitas, enchiladas, roast dinners (chicken, mash, lots of veg, Yorkshire pud, stuffing etc etc), cottage pie, chilli con carne, lasagne ... all homemade

I try to run at least 3 times a week - about 3 miles a time
I try to swim at least 2 times a week - about 30 minutes each time

Any suggestions to improve any of this are more than welcome :happy: I appreciate the support!!
