"motivated and ready to take my life back"

Hi everyone! Where do we start when there is soo much venting that needs to be done (laughing). Lets see... 4 years ago I was healthy and active. I canoed, biked, danced you name it. I never had a problem with weight either. Until I got "sick" took 2 years to find out that I have 2 circulating blood clotting disorders that had caused me to feel sooo fatigued, lightheaded, and of course have suffered several mini strokes at the young age of 32. Im on bloodthinners for the rest of my life :( welp I also finally got thw diagnoses of sle lupus ugh can things get any worse? Well for me it has. Ive also gained 60lbs from being sick, not wanting or feeling able to do many things and allways in a fog. Not to mention "prednisone" that mean old bully! Gave me a moon face, back fat, and a tummy. Happily I am not on the prednisone at this time and hope to never have to again. "I joined a gym 2 weeks ago" yay go me. Im doing 40 minutes on the treadmill and 10 on the elliptical. I have gone from 215.5 to 211.5 proud of myself. Sucks though because eveeverything I do affects the meds im taking. Being on bloodthinners you have to have constant blood work to check the thinness or thickness of your blood. If its too thin you can hemmorhage and if its too thick yup thats a lung embolism, dvt, stroke you name it. Anyways my goal is to get back to my 160lb frame. Cant wait to shop for cute clothes again :) until thwn im looking for a few friends in the same boat or even any who live in florida pinellas area. Hey a gym buddy would be great. Thats all for now. Hope everyones journey goes in their favor.