Where my runners at?!

Hey running buddies, where are you? Would love to have some support from my fellow runners! How long have you been running, what's your current goal, any other info you'd love to share about your running journey?


  • Aquamum9
    Aquamum9 Posts: 51
    Me me me! Always happy to have more running buddies to trade tips/share successes. :smile:

    I've been running consistently since July 2013 (and on and off for years prior to that) but I've made great strides this time around and run more than I ever have. I run about 18-20 miles a week, with 6 miles being my long run at the moment (about to bump it up to 7).

    Hoping to run my first race ever this year and eyeing up a 10K this May. Feel free to add me, would love to hear your running goals! :flowerforyou:
  • Laura732
    Laura732 Posts: 244 Member
    Going on 4 years as a runner now. Next goal is a 10K the first week in May. I'm kind of struggling getting there since the snow keeps me inside. I tend to gravitate toward the Natural Running style. My favorite running shoes are what's left of a 2 year old pair of New Balance Minimus trail shoes. I also have a pair of Brooks Pure Flows that were hard to break in.
  • JenniCali1000
    JenniCali1000 Posts: 646 Member
    Me me me! Always happy to have more running buddies to trade tips/share successes. :smile:

    I've been running consistently since July 2013 (and on and off for years prior to that) but I've made great strides this time around and run more than I ever have. I run about 18-20 miles a week, with 6 miles being my long run at the moment (about to bump it up to 7).

    Hoping to run my first race ever this year and eyeing up a 10K this May. Feel free to add me, would love to hear your running goals! :flowerforyou:

    That's great!! I, too, am just now at a bit over 7 miles for my long run, with my weekly mileage about the same as yours. Will add you!
  • JenniCali1000
    JenniCali1000 Posts: 646 Member
    Going on 4 years as a runner now. Next goal is a 10K the first week in May. I'm kind of struggling getting there since the snow keeps me inside. I tend to gravitate toward the Natural Running style. My favorite running shoes are what's left of a 2 year old pair of New Balance Minimus trail shoes. I also have a pair of Brooks Pure Flows that were hard to break in.

    My next goal is a 10K as well. Shortly after I'm going to work on preparing for a half! :noway:
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    I had gotten into running about 22 years ago. Went well until I tried to bump from 5 miles to 7 miles one night and my knees hated me for it for a short period... Then a couple of knee injuries in unrelated incidents along with a rapid weight gain put a hiatus on it. About 2 years ago, I started losing weight and lost down to about where I am now in about 9 months... I did it walking and lifting... About a month or so back I tried running again with some degree of success on the treadmill... So far, I have gotten to where I have done a 5K distance on a treadmill at about 5-6 MPH... Feels good to get back into it... It feels so much better than walking an incline all the time. Enjoying it.
  • LaurenAOK
    LaurenAOK Posts: 2,475 Member
    I guess I'm a runner now too! Weird concept for me because I used to HATE running. I started running about two years ago but have only started enjoying it very recently! I have done a couple of 5Ks and just did my very first 10K two weeks ago - the Enchanted 10K at Disney World :) It was a blast! Now I'm training for the Disney Tower of Terror 10-miler in October and hopefully my first half marathon after that!

    I run three times a week, for about 45 minutes two days a week and then a longer run one day a week (today it was 6 miles, hoping to steadily increase that)!

    So greetings, fellow running peoples :love: Anyone is free to add me as a friend on here, though I don't log my food any more!
  • donrdon
    donrdon Posts: 216 Member
    I always like to hear from other runners. Good to see what others are doing for training or just to touch base on a day to day basis to what they're up to. I've been running all winter in order to keep a good base as I start training the middle of this month for a full marathon in July. I also have a 1/2 and a 5K in May. Add me if you'd like.
  • KristiRTT
    KristiRTT Posts: 346 Member
    Hello all, been running since September 2012 and fell in love with the sport almost immediately! I have done 2 half marathons and I am currently training for my first 26.2 on June 8th! My father and I run together so yesterday was our long run of 12 miles. The snow/ice here in Upstate NY have kept us indoors a lot so far, but yesterday we took it outside and incorporated some intense hills. My legs are nice and tired today!
  • Branawesomer
    Branawesomer Posts: 1,025 Member
    I am a runner! A new one, but one that loves doing it! I've been running on and off for about a year now but have just recently gotten serious about it. I walked a colour run last summer (friend had her kids and at the time I didn't know how to get rid of shin splint pain) and I plan on doing it again this year but running it. My first race is in a week on March 15th. I'm not ready to run the whole thing yet, but I'm gonna try! I have asthma and while it is getting better, it still holds me back at times. But I'm confident it'll go away. I am signed up for a couple other 5k's so far this year and I'm hoping by next year I can do 10k's.

    Anyone can add me if they want to be friends on here :D
  • Kirk_R
    Kirk_R Posts: 112 Member
    I started running when my oldest daughter was finishing up middle school and wanting to get in shape for cross country in high school and needed a dependable running partner. So, since early 2008. I ran as much as 1700 miles in 2011. Once she got out high school I quit since I was just running for her and she didn't really need me any more.

    I got back to running last year, doing it for myself and have been on a 230 day daily running streak since then. ;) I'll be doing a half marathon with my daughter in May (my first official one although I've done as much as 19 miles before just because).
  • fleetzz
    fleetzz Posts: 962 Member
    New to running--started in April/May last year, have done what seems to me like tons of 5K's, one 10K. Most with my son who is 10. I run 3-4 times a week, my longest run is a bit over 6 miles. I have a 5 mile trail race planned in late April, perhaps another 10K planned early April, and have signed up for the Disney 10 mile Tower of Terror in October.

    Still new, but getting better!