My seven-month bulk up story

starshipfan Posts: 11 Member
I started using MyFitnessPal last August. I was 137 at the time and severely underweight. I was 120 lbs in high school six years beforehand, so I was better, but still very underweight. I started a new diet plan and have been doing very well with it. I started working out more as well. I was doing absolutely phenomenal, but unfortunately in November, I became sick with a very bad cold and two weeks later, I developed a bruised rib and as a result of not being able to eat as much and work out, I dropped from 170 to 157, 13 pounds lost. I was not thrilled at all. My bruised rib finally healed in mid-January and ever since then, I've been working out a lot more and I have gained quite a bit of weight back. I currently weigh 175 pounds. My target weight goal is 185.

Good luck to anyone trying to gain or lose weight.
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