Hello Everyone

Just thought I would introduce myself and say a little about myself, my goals, and my accomplishments so far. And if anyone would like to add me, the more the merrier :) I'm Steven. 20 years old, college student, and completely self conscious. I have overcome that last part quite a bit however after losing approximately 40 pounds, but still do not feel comfortable with myself. What's new though? Still have some fat to lose but am concentrating now on gaining muscle. Not seeing a huge physical change in myself but can definitely see it when my weights change at the gym. Gone through Insanity and p90x to lose the weight first then figured I'd hit the gym. So that's a little about me. If anyone needs motivation, wants to give motivation, or even just have a friend they can count on when it seems like nothing is going to change, I'm here no matter who you are. Look forward to meeting all of you and keep up the good work!