is clean eating necessary?

so, i'm recovering from anorexia and im looking at becoming fit and having a nice body once im recovered. I've heard you need to eat clean to have a flat/semi toned stomach, is this true? I eat healthy but I just wasn't sure if complete clean eating was necessary? thanks heaps.


  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    Not true at all and it's boring. I tried it. Never again.
  • crystalflame
    crystalflame Posts: 1,049 Member
    Complete clean eating? No, not at all. Getting most (80% or so) of your calories from nutrient-loaded sources so you meet your macro and micro goals does a lot for you, though. Exercise, particularly strength training, will do good things for your body as well. That said, focus on recovery first and foremost. Work on getting the body you want when you're sure you can do it in a healthy way. Good luck!!
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Not necessary at all. There is another thread that has success stories (and pics) of people who don't strictly eat clean.

    I would also add that, recovering from an ED, you probably want to avoid any overly restrictive way of eating. A lot of people who eat clean seem to feel guilt over eating anything which doesn't fit into their lifestyle. Opening yourself up to that kind of orthorexia may not be a good idea at this stage.

    ETA: Here is the thread

    Also wanted to clarify - I'm not saying to stuff yourself with "junk food" all day long. Of course it's better to eat mostly nutrient dense foods - fruits, veggies, lean proteins, healthy fats, etc. But it's okay to indulge in foods you enjoy - ice cream, pizza, french fries, donuts, whatever - in moderation, as it fits in your calorie goals, without feeling bad. It won't ruin your progress.
  • soozey1
    soozey1 Posts: 102 Member
    Eating good nutritious food can really help with your recovery. You can make some really delicious food eating clean. It just means avoiding foods that come out of a packet.
    Doesn't mean just fruits and veg
    Mix up your exercise routine , it also needs to be fun.
  • thank you all so much for your responses! I've been so worried that the only way I'm going to get in shape is if I eat
    "clean" and healthy. I want to get abs (not completely ripped but enough to make me comfortable and happy with how I look) and for the past week I've added strength and ab exercises into my life and I can honestly say its already make me feel so much better with myself (I know it wouldn't have made much of a difference, if any at all but I stll feel like it is :) )! so thankyou all so much for your quick responses and opening my eyes and helping me realise I don't need to eat clean in order to achieve my goals. thankyou.
  • dreamer12151
    dreamer12151 Posts: 1,031 Member

    Excellent post!

    I get so tired when I hear people telling others "this is the only way!" No, that is ONE way, which may work for you. I followed Body for Life about 10 years ago which worked for me for a bit, but it was too restrictive, even with that "free day" built in. That "free day" started becoming "free day 1/2", then "free 2 days" then I had to add an extra "free meal" because of a special occasion, & I would have people on the message boards coming down on me because I wasn't "working it!"...It was too restrictive for me. So I "morphed" it with Weight Watchers, another plan that worked for a while. However, I fell off even that. Somehow something "clicked" last July, and the whole "eat less, move more" made sense.

    Now, I run & bike, plus do strength challenges each month as well. Eating...well, I eat whatever I damn well want, just in moderation, and I try to stay within my calories. I do look at the fat, sodium and calories, but I have found my palate has changed. For instance, yesterday I splurged & had 2 donuts & 2 of my friend's cupcakes. (those were awesome cupcakes! & I had "left over calories") But after not having that much sugar at one time, I felt horrible afterwards. Today I'm back on "plan". I feel better.

    Only you know your body. If eating only chicken breasts, salmon & steamed veggies works for you, then knock yourself out. But if you want that ice cream as well and you feel ok with it, then add a cherry as well!
  • OverDoIt
    OverDoIt Posts: 332 Member
    Wash all cheeseburgers and pizza before you eat them. Eat what you want, eat "clean" 80% of the time. It is excrutiating to eat "clean" foods 100% of the time and they are not really calorie dense. If you wind yourself too tight eventually you will snap. Good luck to you.
  • thatpixichick
    thatpixichick Posts: 77 Member
    Of course not! I find I feel "cleaner" when I eat "clean", but I can't live like that 24/7! No way. I need a beer at the end of the week and instant ramen noodles for no reason other than fancying some :smile:
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,908 Member
    I know many "clean eaters" with no visible abs and still a little "pudge" they can't get rid off. Nutrients are what count and one doesn't have to eat "clean" to obtain them, however whole foods (which for some reason is identified with "clean") are usually more nutrient dense.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • craftywitch_63
    craftywitch_63 Posts: 829 Member
    Wash all cheeseburgers and pizza before you eat them. Eat what you want, eat "clean" 80% of the time. It is excrutiating to eat "clean" foods 100% of the time and they are not really calorie dense. If you wind yourself too tight eventually you will snap. Good luck to you.

    ^^This. Also, avoid eating foods out of the trash or off of the floor (NO 5 second rules!) :laugh: Most of all, do what you can sustain for years. If you are going to need a chocolate or pretzel or nacho and cheese (I must be hungry! :bigsmile: ) fix at some point, then don't try to eat clean "completely" especially if you have the all-or-nothing mindset that most ED sufferers do.

  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    Nope, it's not necessary. Success is not about punishing or torturing yourself.
  • taniabeth78
    taniabeth78 Posts: 20 Member
    No, I dont believe it is. There is such a thing as being too restrictive. And clean eating is one of them. You can make some awesome meals using fresh, unprepared items that are really healthy for you, but it is also ok and even recommended to indulge occasionally. You dont want that "all or nothing" mindset, because then you will just eventually crash.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Complete clean eating? No, not at all. Getting most (80% or so) of your calories from nutrient-loaded sources so you meet your macro and micro goals does a lot for you, though. Exercise, particularly strength training, will do good things for your body as well. That said, focus on recovery first and foremost. Work on getting the body you want when you're sure you can do it in a healthy way. Good luck!!

  • I think the clean eating movement has gone to the extreme, the way many dieting fads have. Personally, I think it just makes sense to eat REAL food, not processed crap. I live by 3 rules:

    1. If my great-grandmother wouldn't recognize it as food, I don't eat it.

    2. Avoid the inside aisles of the grocery store. That's where the crap lives. Real food lives around the outside, meat, bread, produce and dairy are never found in the inside aisles.

    3. If I want a treat, I make it. If I want a cheeseburger, I make it from scratch. If I want chocolate cake, I bake it. Not only am I using real ingredients, but it also takes time and effort to do it. I'm not going to bake a chocolate cake every day, so therefore, I'm not eating it every day. It's a treat.

    These rules are really easy to live by and they make a huge difference.

    Congratulations to you for getting healthy and making good choices!
  • SilentDrapeRunners
    SilentDrapeRunners Posts: 199 Member
    I agree with the previous posts. Eating clean 100% of the time is not necessary or recommended (especially if you have an eating disorder, because I imagine being so restrictive as to only eating 'clean' foods would perpetuate the eating disorder). For me, I've found that eating mostly clean, whole foods makes me feel better physically and mentally, but I do indulge in sweets here and there. But substituting processed foods for whole foods is a good thing to do the majority of the time.

    Instead of focusing on if it's a clean food or not, I would pay more attention to macros (carbs, fat, protein), since having a good balance is what's going to help you get in shape and build muscle. Protein is really important and many women don't get enough. I suspect that many people who eat only 'clean' foods eat more carbohydrates at the expense of protein. But I've come to find out that what your macros are, is really up to you- some people do better with higher carbs, some with higher fats, etc.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    so, i'm recovering from anorexia and im looking at becoming fit and having a nice body once im recovered. I've heard you need to eat clean to have a flat/semi toned stomach, is this true? I eat healthy but I just wasn't sure if complete clean eating was necessary? thanks heaps.

    OP, until you have recovered from your ED, DO NOT RESTRICT YOUR DIET IN ANY WAY. DO NOT EXERCISE.
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    Absolutely, always wash your veggies. LOL> No, it is about calorie intake vs outflow. Focus more on strength training as an anorexic and push protein to help build your muscle mass. Fitness will give you the body you so desired while you were undereating and overexercising. Really you had the right thing in mind, just went about it the wrong way. Best wishes and congrats on overcoming that dreadful beast.