Looking for Morbidly Obese Weight Loss Supporters

Yep, you read my topic right. The supporters I need must be morbidly obese JUST AS I AM!! If I do not feel someone is in the same boat as I am, I tend to lose interest in their post. I need to SEE their results as well as feel mine as I go along.
I was here a few years back, lost 40 pounds...then crap happened for the worst and I gave up and gave in, and now I am worse than I was. Health issues are taking a toll and I now have NO CHOICE but to make a change. However, I need a supporter I can actually relate with, and be supported by them outside of MFP, such as Facebook. I do not come to this site unless entering calories etc...so I need a hook up in another social location.

I will support you, just as you support me.....
I have no self motivation, no willpower and I need to find a way to get those things back!!

Hope to hear from those that can fit my shoes!!! 320+ (will know exact number on Monday - eh)

and this 2 lbs lost picture that pops up...must of been from way back, because I have not started this journey. Starting on Monday, soon as I can weigh myself.


  • bedeeda
    bedeeda Posts: 21
    Hi Janie,

    My story is similar to yours. I need to lose over 100#, started March 2012, lost 70 lbs and went through some issues. I gained back 45 and am starting over again. My health has been an issue too and I need to do this if I want to live to see my daughters get married and have any quality of life as I get older! I will be 45 in August.

    I don't mind adding you as a friend on FB either :-)

  • liftingandlipstick
    liftingandlipstick Posts: 1,857 Member
    My SW was 320 on the nose- 9lbs down so far! Feel free to add me :)
  • Buff2022
    Buff2022 Posts: 373 Member
    Dietbet challenge. Really keeping me motivated.

    All the above can add me if you like. I am on my way to losing 100 pounds. First stop 30 pounds. This really keeps me motivated.

    Willing to stay in contact with email or texting.
  • cheripugh1
    cheripugh1 Posts: 357 Member
    Well... I do understand what you are saying, I certainly do not think someone with only 20-40 lbs. to lose can relate to someone with 100+ (which is me too) I'd be glad to accept you if you want to add me, I post blogs every single day BUT I do not facebook diet so although you'd be welcome to my facebook I will not talk about diet or exercise, I'd make comments to you, like great job or keep trying but that's it... sorry but my facebook is for my grandkids and kids and friends to share events mainly that we are too far apart to share in person. MFP is what I use to talk about the ups and downs of this journey and I feel coming on here everyday keeps me focused on my journey.