Newly separated and looking to better myself

Hello there! My name is Sami! I'm 22 years old. Almost 23. I was married to an Army MP for going on almost 5 years. High School sweethearts. <3 But things changed when he got back from Iraq a little over a year ago. Now we're separated. I'm looking to join the Army myself. But I am a little overweight according to I'm here to lose that weight. I want to be able to support myself. I can't afford college...and working in retail doesn't pay the bills very well. So I'm here counting calories and such. WISH ME LUCK! :)


  • platoon
    platoon Posts: 340
    Good luck, Girlie! And welcome to MFP! You'll love it... a wealth of information and tons of great people! You can accomplish your goal, and so can I! (We're here for the same reason.) Feel free to add me, if you need a buddy! :-)