Step Aerobics - Toning legs

Hi there,

I really hate exercise, but I love doing step ups. Will doing step ups tone up my lower body, I know it builds calf muscles but I used to only walk to and from work (a few hills involved) 5 days a week and had a ROCKING body and since I got back to that old weight its a sloppy version of that body. I want the toning back in my thighs and I was wondering if doing step ups will help that?

I do squats occasionally but I really do love doing step ups and would not shirk them if I wasn't constantly told they do nothing for toning,


  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    Toning doesn't really exist.

    If you mean retention of muscle tissue while reducing bf%, then that can be done. You'll need to get your diet on point and engage in some sort of progressive resistance based routine. The key word is progressive.

    There's a lot of good routines out there depending on whether you have equipment available or not.

    Bodyweight: YAYOG, Convict Conditioning

    Kettlebells: PM->ROP

    Barbells: All Pro's SBR, Starting Strength, Stronglifts 5x5, Greyskull LP

    And yes, step ups are a good leg exercise and can be weighted to keep them challenging and build leg strength (to retain LBM as you lose fat), but there is no way to "target" or "spot reduce" a bodypart, I'm afraid.
  • UncertainAngel12
    UncertainAngel12 Posts: 30 Member
    Oh great, thanks, yeah I'm aware you lose body fat all over as I put it on all over lol BUt I want to build some muscle mass and I figured if step ups will help me do that I'm totally in, I hate weight training in the gym and such like. I lack the motivation and I just really don't feel like paying for a gym membership to get back what I had naturally when I was younger, you know?

    Thanks so much for the advice. Knowing its not gonna just be an excess of cardio has made me determined to get back into it :-)