Question when using a recumbent bike...

Which is more important. Time or distance? I did 3 miles on my bike in 15 mins. i know they recommend doing some kind of exercise for 30 mins a day but if im getting in 3 miles in 15 mins does it matter?


  • I also have a recumbent bike and I love it.. Personally I go by time , the more time, the more calories.. I never really pay attention to distance.. That's just me though, hope this helps
  • I also should add I go a decent pace, around 15.5-17.5
  • SingingSingleTracker
    SingingSingleTracker Posts: 1,866 Member
    Which is more important. Time or distance? I did 3 miles on my bike in 15 mins. i know they recommend doing some kind of exercise for 30 mins a day but if im getting in 3 miles in 15 mins does it matter?

    Time usually trumps distance. Even in structured training programs for cyclists, it's all about the time and the intensity - not the distance.

    Without knowing your HR, intensity (power watts), goals - if you are trying to get some cardio work - be it on a recumbent or an upright I would certainly suggest working your way up to 30 minutes (and longer). Experiment with your intensity and heart rate to get the most bang for your buck.
  • jessydelong
    jessydelong Posts: 13 Member
    Thank yall! I really love my bike! I want to be able to do it for longer. my legs were on fire in just 15 mins. ill def work my way up to longer
  • SingingSingleTracker
    SingingSingleTracker Posts: 1,866 Member
    Thank yall! I really love my bike! I want to be able to do it for longer. my legs were on fire in just 15 mins. ill def work my way up to longer

    If your legs were on fire, dial down the intensity (shift into an easier gear), slow down a bit and you will be able to increase your duration quite easily. As with anything, it takes time to build up the stamina - so be patient.
  • StraubreyR
    StraubreyR Posts: 631 Member
    You may be surprised how quickly you get used to biking. When I first got my trainer, I also thought I was going to die after about 10 minutes! Now I can do an hour plus with no problems. I bumped up the time by 10 minutes each week. Good luck to you!