HCG Diet. Don't hang me.



  • wahmx3
    wahmx3 Posts: 646 Member
    Everyone else already said all that needs to be said. Please stop the drops before the damage is done. You obviously haven't done all the research or else you only read the research you wanted to.
  • 290toFit
    290toFit Posts: 3
    The site says you can't use skincare products with oil because you will absorb it and not lose weight.

    Most ridiculous thing I've ever heard.

    Yeah, I've read that. It said the same thing about shampoo. I thought that was pretty idiotic. I got to tell you, the more I read the responses on this forum the more I feel like throwing the bottle away. lol.
  • TheWorstHorse
    Hi everyone,

    so yesterday I started the HCG 1234 Diet. I've researched thtis for about two months before deciding to actually try it. I've read the good, the bad and the ugly.

    My HCG 1234 drops are not the ones that only allow 500 calories. This one has two diet options for 1200 calories and than 1500 calories.

    I'm starting with the 1200 calorie one and than afterwards I'll do the 1500 calorie one and add a lot more active exercise and eventually go off HCG and keep that up.

    I'm just curious if anyone else has done this one and what was your results/experience?

    Apologies, long reply

    Because I am incredibly hard-headed, only listen to science, logic, or reasoning when it agrees with what I have already decided, and am often simultaneously lazy and desperate, this was only one of the lose-quick-quackeries I tried eight or ten years ago. As background, after a serious illness and surgery, I stopped exercising and paying attention to what I ate. I gained about thirty pounds in a little over a year; I ended up forty pounds above the weight I had maintained for many years. I am, btw, six feet tall, broad-shoulders, and so on. I am not a small man. But it was still a lot of weight and I didn't much like it.

    I wanted to get back to my pre-illness weight and I wanted it fast. I looked at a number of low calorie, no exercise options and "after doing all the research" I decided to do a "medically-supervised" HCG diet for forty days. I reasoned that I would fix my diet and start exercising again once I lost the weight. It would be so much easier, right?

    Wrong. Here's what happened. I followed the diet to the letter. I lost forty pounds in forty days on a 600 calorie/day diet. I barely had enough energy to get through the day, so I slept an awful lot. I was constantly obsessing about my weight and the food I was eating (a requirement for this diet) even if I wasn't starving. At the end of the diet, I followed the rules about re-introducing food. I managed for about two weeks before I was hit with waves of endless, ravenous hunger which lasted for almost a month. I never did fix my diet; in fact, it got worse. I never did start the exercise program I promised I would start.

    Six months later I was thirty-five pounds heavier. I was weaker. I was tired all the time. My eating habits were still bad. I still didn't have the energy to exercise. And, btw, I lost so much muscle weight during the diet that my body fat percentage had barely changed. Net result: I was worse off after the diet than before it.

    I know four other people that tried HCG; all with similar results.

    It was a bonehead move. It was expensive. It took years for my body to recover from it. And most importantly, it doesn't work over the long term unless you are willing to eat a very limited diet, weigh in every day and return to the diet if your weight changes by a few pounds, and fight off periods of ravenous hunger. If that is not enough, there is no clinical evidence that HCG does anything to limit hunger.

    Please re-consider; that's what I suggest.

    Edited: spelling
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    I find that some of the HCG horror stories are almost counterproductive, because they can be exaggerated in their own right. There is no need to "demonize" HCG--the regular facts are convincing enough

    It's important to emphasize that the most powerful argument against HCG is not the hair-on-fire "it will wreck your metabolism" claim, but the the fact that THERE IS NO INDEPENDENT EFFECT OF HCG ON WEIGHT LOSS. Any results (and negative effects) achieved are due to the calorie restriction alone. (And the "rebound" effects are most likely due to the fact that 1/3 of the weight losses are lean mass).

    Because of that this "1234" plan as described is even more cynical than the original. Obviously, someone has read the overwhelming backlash against the original plan, and decided to dress it up in a more socially-acceptable wrapper.
  • jaynalawayna
    jaynalawayna Posts: 80 Member
    I don't diet anymore. I make sure I'm eating controlled portions of healthy foods and I exercise moderately every day. I've been stuck in a plateau for about a year - that is frustrating - but I'm not getting back on the roller coaster again.
  • bajoyba
    bajoyba Posts: 1,153 Member
    I think you may want to consider doing the 1500 calorie diet without the HCG. :smile:
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    Save your money, eat at a deficit and you'll lose weight for free!!! I've yet to see someone who did these, and actually kept the weight off afterwards!
  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,070 Member
    Are they homeopathic drops? If so, save your money, that is water (maybe with some alcohol added to make it taste mediciny).

    The diet alone will work (1200 or 1500 that is, not 500).
  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    Sometimes I really really wonder why I bother doing a normal job. I could start the "eat dog poop" diet or something, and with proper advertisement, I would be rich in a year. Apparently all it takes is having no conscience, and selling disgusting things to desperate people.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Hi everyone,

    so yesterday I started the HCG 1234 Diet. I've researched thtis for about two months before deciding to actually try it. I've read the good, the bad and the ugly.

    My HCG 1234 drops are not the ones that only allow 500 calories. This one has two diet options for 1200 calories and than 1500 calories.

    I'm starting with the 1200 calorie one and than afterwards I'll do the 1500 calorie one and add a lot more active exercise and eventually go off HCG and keep that up.

    I'm just curious if anyone else has done this one and what was your results/experience?

    You aren't supposed to do ANY exercise when you start out.

    Workmate did this, failed of course, but he described in detail what is supposed to be done.

    Might reread the materials to confirm you got the plan right, the recovery weeks right, ect.

    When he described it fully, it wasn't any worse than many research studies you find about LCD. The big difference being of course those people had no weight change for 6 months usually and no attempts to lose weight, no health issues, and measurements out the wazoo to confirm everything was as healthy as could be, no diseases, ect.

    But the great advice above, forget the hcg, just do 1200 for a month, then move to 1500 and do exercise.
  • JojoW8183
    JojoW8183 Posts: 540 Member
    I did forget to mention that. Some people say hhcg works, I personally think it's a waste of money. To clarify, I'm on Rx hCG injections.
  • chelstakencharge
    chelstakencharge Posts: 1,021 Member
    If you were smart, you would try the 1200 or 1500 cal diet WITHOUT the drops, and save your money.

    EXACTLY!!! Why waste money!! Check my numbers...I did this on my own without putting crap in my body. If I can then you can!
  • NaturallyandProperly
    NaturallyandProperly Posts: 138 Member
    I have one friend who did this and lost 100lbs.. but she looks sick.. like low iron, too skinny and kind of looks like a melted crayon. But she's happy? Another one lost about 50 pounds but said it's almost impossible to eat now without gaining. Really messed up her metabolism. but that's my opinion. I say, don't take short cuts. good luck!
  • ThatSoundsHard
    ThatSoundsHard Posts: 475 Member
    Eating 1200 and not taking HCG would do the same thing and be cheaper.

    eating 1500 and not taking the HCG would probably do the same thing as well.
  • sisterlilbunny
    sisterlilbunny Posts: 691 Member
    The site says you can't use skincare products with oil because you will absorb it and not lose weight.

    Most ridiculous thing I've ever heard.

    Yeah, I've read that. It said the same thing about shampoo. I thought that was pretty idiotic. I got to tell you, the more I read the responses on this forum the more I feel like throwing the bottle away. lol.

    Toss it!! :) While this way is slower, it's much more life friendly. :flowerforyou:
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member

    Yeah, I've read that. It said the same thing about shampoo. I thought that was pretty idiotic. I got to tell you, the more I read the responses on this forum the more I feel like throwing the bottle away. lol.

    Good call. Please don't listen to the ONE response from someone who claims it worked. It's bad news. Everyone I know who's done it re-gained all the weight they lost, plus some, and are having an extremely difficult time losing now.
  • MarKayDee
    MarKayDee Posts: 196
    My bestie, and my mother in law both tried these drops. My mother in law thought the drops were he magic that made her lose weight not the extremely low calorie limit and would just eat anything when she ran out, causing a gain and perpetuating in her mind the belief that the drops were magical.
    My bestie did them with both of her parents, her father lost well, her mother had to stop taking the pills as they were effecting a medication she took at the time, and my bestie was starving and miserable and lost less than she would have if she had just eaten at a reasonable deficit, which she proved a year later by losing 90lbs on weight watchers.

    You don't need some magical supplement to lose weight on 1200calories, and your body can only lose so much fat so quickly. I say ditch the hcg and stick to the deficit, that's what would create your losses anyway.
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    Well I'm going to chime in here because all I see is people that are demonizing hCG and saying it either doesn't work or it screws up your metabolism. I've done hCG and I'm currently doing my last round. I went through the "eat at a deficit" and work out crap for over 10 years. 3 meals a day 5 small meals a day, 1500 calories, 1200 calories, 2200 calories. Exercising 1 hr, 2 hr every day and NOTHING worked. I peaked at 255 lbs and I was done. I started researching hCG because I knew some family members had done it and had success with it. I did my first three rounds of hCG in 2011 and was extremely successful with it. I lost 70 lbs in less than a year...and yes I kept it off. My metabolism regulated itself and it even helped me with some hormonal imbalances I was having. I'm currently doing a round because I fell into depression this winter and gained 25 lbs. So far I've lost 17 lbs of those lbs and I have NEVER felt weak, hungry, or tired while on the protocol. I suffer from migraines and still have yet to have one.

    All my rounds were monitored by a physician, and if you look into the science behind it...you'll see it makes sense and has been proven time and time again that it works. My advice to the person that posted that they're doing a version of it, is stick to it. With the higher calories your losses will be slower, but as long as you're using authentic hCG you'll be fine. Do your own research and speak to medical professionals about it, don't let yourself be influenced by individuals that simply have an opinion on something.

    If you want a good group to learn more about the protocol and good support system if you're on it www.hcgdietinfo.com

    How is it successful if you gained more weight back?
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,280 Member
    You will lose weight...

    In your wallet.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    I think you may want to consider doing the 1500 calorie diet without the HCG. :smile:

    ^^^^ this
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