Builders & Lifters: Is this routine really enough??

I'm done with cardio. It wipes me out completely and leaves me tired as all hell. Not only that, but it's tedious and boring. Obviously I don't plan on cutting it out completely, as I do have over 100lbs to lose, but I'd like my main focus to be lifting. I figure I can just lift faster w/ lighter weights to get my cardio in. Worked for me once before.

Anyhow... I'm new to lifting with an actual routine. This is what I found online... it's a 12 week program, and the routines change every month. Starts off with 8-12 reps with heavy weights, then gradually decreases to 4-6 reps with heavier weights. Sounded promising to me, but the work outs they have listed for each day just doesn't seem like much at all... is this really enough for a hard, effective work out?? Pardon my ignorance... just want to get my facts straight from the pros.

Here's the routine:

Mondays- 3 X 8-12 ea.
Bench Press
Bent Over Row
DB shoulder press
Lying tricep extension
DB or barbell curl

Tuesdays - 3 X 8-12 ea.
Stiff leg deadlift
Leg extension
leg curl
Standing calf raise
Abs (2 positions here)

Thursdays - 3 X 8-12 ea.
Pull ups
DB side lateral
Tricep cable pressdown
Cable curl

Fridays - 3 X 8-12 ea.
Leg press
Seated calf raise
DB shrugs (optional)
Abs (2 more positions here)

Thank you all for your help.

Love and Alohas,
Ihilani Kapuniai


  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member
    Only you can determine if it is too much or too little. It looks like a typical upper/lower split, if your set on it give it a try.
  • iKapuniai
    iKapuniai Posts: 594 Member
    Thank you Eric_sg61 - sounds like a decent answer. I assume it wouldn't hurt to increase the amount of sets per work out if it turns out to be too little... as long as the muscles get fatigued without compromising correct form?
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,345 Member
    It looks like an ok program. Personally for beginners I tend to recommend Stronglifts 5x5 as it lays a good foundation, has a limited number of compound lifts that will work your whole body, and a very straight forward progression increasing weights. A program like stronglifts starts really light so you can get your form down, and might seem like too little, but very quickly you are lifting heavy enough weights that you are exhausted after the workout.

    No matter which program you use, I would suggest starting lights. You can probably lift more, but if you start at a higher weight, you will find the muscle soreness excruciating and long lasting.
  • iKapuniai
    iKapuniai Posts: 594 Member
    Rileysowner - Good point... I am rather flabby and weak lol Starting light might be good... wouldn't want to injure myself before I even begin lol Thank you.
  • singlefemalelawyer
    singlefemalelawyer Posts: 382 Member
    This is pretty much the exact program I am following with a few added exercises. I think it's a great workout and I do 5x5 on all the main lifts, and squat on both leg days. I enjoy it, try it out and see for yourself.

    ETA: start with an empty barbell for the main lifts, and add 5lbs per session or per week depending on your form and if you can do all sets/reps. I do warm up sets on all the main lifts (bench, overhead press, squat, deadlift, bent over rows).
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    As a beginner, you could just follow a basic 3x6 routine twice a week comprising: bench press, squats, deadlifts, shoulder press and bent over rows. If it's too easy, use heavier weights. You'll be surprised how strong you are (relative to how strong you think you are).

    I would seek the guidance of a personal trainer to ensure good form, though, if you're going to lift heavy.

    That's all I did for a few months and experienced a quick initial increase in strength.