Tired of being "Pooh Sized"

vauleese Posts: 75
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
Hello everyone, my name is Amanda and I'm a 31 year old SAHM to 3 little girls. I didnt realize until after the picture in my profile was taken just how much like Pooh Bear my body was becoming. I'm tired of thinking about food constantly, I'm tired of not having the energy to keep up fully with my girls. I'm tired of hating clothes shopping. I'm 5'7 and wear a size 18! I know that I shouldn't weigh this much (225) and I've started on a course to change it. A course I beat myself up over from time to time I admit (like when I decided to buy a chocolate bar and ate one serving then worked it off as fast as I could at the gym that night). My goal is to be atleast down to 195 by the time my darling husband comes home from this next deployment he's going on. One year to drop 30lbs or more so when he get's off that bus his wife looks as great as all the other ladies waiting for their Soilders.

I am lucky that I have a friend who is going to go work out with me for 2 hours every 3 days and will help me back away from the junk food in the isles at the grocery stores. I know the road before me is not going to be easy and I know I will probably break down and cry once or twice (I hope they are tears of joy when the scale starts to move in the downward direction), but I also know that I CAN DO THIS!


  • mommaski4
    mommaski4 Posts: 305 Member
    Welcome Vauleese. You have come to the right place. The support here is unbelievable. It is wonderful that you have a friend to be your in person support system.

    I understand all of your desires. I too am 5'7" and weighed 228. Never thought of myself as Pooh shaped though. lol I want to enjoy clothes shooping, have my hubby be proud to show me off. Let's do this!
  • First please tell your husband thank you for his sacrifices he is making for our country and also to you too. I was once a navy wife and I know how hard it is. I am new here as well and that is so great you have a friend that is going to help you out. Stay positive and YOU can DO this!!!! Good Luck!
  • KatieM7
    KatieM7 Posts: 588 Member
    Welcome Vauleese! This is a great place for support. There is a SAHM message board you should check it out. It has helped keep me sane at times I felt like I would need to be admitted into a institute! Good luck on your weight loss journey!
  • platoon
    platoon Posts: 340
    You can do it! We'll cheer you on! Welcome to MFP! :-)
  • Today's been a good day so far...first few days, I was having a difficult time making it from breakfast to lunch and lunch to dinner without bbeing hungry. Today though it was lunch time and I was just getting hungry. Even going to the store for a few things that we needed (toothbrushes, milk, toothpaste and deoderant) didnt make me get hungry like it normally does! I only have one downfall and that is sweets. So today I bought a big bag of Tootsie pops and when I feel the need for a sugar kick I'll have one of those (no more then 2 a day though! I have to have my limits) to tide me over.
  • Welcome Vauleese. You have come to the right place. The support here is unbelievable. It is wonderful that you have a friend to be your in person support system.

    I understand all of your desires. I too am 5'7" and weighed 228. Never thought of myself as Pooh shaped though. lol I want to enjoy clothes shooping, have my hubby be proud to show me off. Let's do this!

    Karin, I didnt think of myself as "Pooh Shaped" until my middle daughter pointed it out in the picture...she was going over our WDW trip photo's and said "Hey Mom! You and Pooh could wear the same size!" I turned beet red then and started to laugh but inside I was crying. My daughter thought of me as a fat teddy bear!
  • Let's make you a Tigger! When horizontal stripes are flattering you KNOW you have a rocking bod! We're here for you and welcome!:wink:
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