Sugar addiction, and how to wean myself off of it.

I really need some help on this. I always thought I didn't have a problem with sugar. I don't drink soda, up until recently I didn't eat a lot of candy. But then I realized lately it was other things that were getting me. I mean, when I looked at my end sugar on my diary every day, I was blown away! But the issue with it is, I almost seem to get sick now if I don't get it. After eating a meal that is not sugary or sweet, immediately after I get this horrible nausea sickness, and the only way to feel better is to eat something sweet. Has anyone else ever experienced this? I really really really need some help. And PLEASE don't say artificial sweeteners, whenever I eat those I automatically feel sick, cloudy headed, and nauseous. I want some REAL nutritious advice on how to wean off the sugar without feeling the horrible sickness.


  • You are definitely on the right track; especially with the no artificial sweeteners! Those are not good for you at all! I have the biggest sweet tooth EVER! :) I am also currently in the process of training for my very first bikini competition (so nervous!) but when I found out I had to cut the sweets out, I thought I was going to die! lol.

    Basically for my I have been finding new, and even fun ways to get my sweet fix! First off, I LOVE Quest Bars! If you have not tried them yet, I highly suggest you do! So many flavors (cookies and cream and cookie dough are my fav) that are amazing. Also, if you like peanut butter, mixing it with cinnamon and spreading on rice cakes are awesome. It has saved me big time. Another one of my favorites it making my own homemade granola! YUM!