Walkers and logging

Most of my exercise is simply walking. Either in my neighborhood, a park, a country road and/or Leslie Sansone DVDs. How are you folks logging your walks? Thanks.


  • melissamarah
    melissamarah Posts: 168 Member
    I walk outside a ton. When I do that, I sometimes use MapMyFitness or Nike+, but sometimes those apps don't like to work for me.

    I take note of what time I start walking, and what time I stop. Then I go online when I'm home, and input my walk into Google Maps to see how many miles I walked. Since I know how long I was walking, I can easily find out my mph. Then I log it under "Walking 2.5 mph" or whatever my mileage was.

    A lot of times on the weekend, my husband and I go for a nice long walk and we try and find a new restaurant for a cheap lunch. I didn't even realize we'd walked 4 miles yesterday because I was so busy talking!
  • Blokeypoo
    Blokeypoo Posts: 274 Member
    My Fitbit does it for me!

    There are calculators online too though against which you can check figures if they seem dubious.
  • kcasey155
    kcasey155 Posts: 968 Member
    Lots of ways to log and challenges with other walkers.

    Thought you may like to have a read through here...
  • download mapmywalk and it will tell you how far and calories burned (this only works if you actually leave your house, doesn't work if you do videos). i also highly recommend the polar ft4 heart rate monitor that tells you exactly how many calories you burn.
  • mrsnel
    mrsnel Posts: 9 Member
    Thanks everyone. Great tips.
  • Ncylve
    Ncylve Posts: 7
    Hi, I'm Nancy. I'm back exercising after recovering from an illness. I walk outdoors when weather permits. This winter I started back on the treadmill at the gym. Being 70, I go for 40 minutes at various speeds. Outdoors I just walk 40 minutes. I'm starting on weights in two weeks. I know it seems silly at my age but I feel so much better when I'm more in shape.
  • it's not silly! you need to feel good at any age! good for you for getting back at it ;)