Hi Everyone. ^. ^

Hi there. :) My name is Irene.
Let's see... I'm 5'4", 144 lbs (started at 150 about a week ago, but I feel as if I had some water weight and other 'sludge' lined along my digestive tract).
I'm actually within a healthy BMI, and my weight isn't too out of control, but... let me give you a brief summary of my weight in the past.
I was never 'small'. I've always been pretty toned--even at my smallest, my abs kept me from looking too small. In junior high, I was pretty big. I lost most my weight in highschool, and truly peaked at my lowest (about 127) when I was about 20. When I was I was pregnant with my son at 21, I was dealing with some horrible depression (I didn't believe in post-partum until the depression went away and I realized 'oh, hey! I think it might be legit' lol). During my pregnancy, I went from 132 (which was where I was at with my winter weight) to about 265. After he was born, I had A LOT of weight I wasn't used to that I needed to shed...
It's been three years, and I've shed the majority of it... I've always had a decent metabolism, which I'm quite thankful for, but... I've never really been 'healthy'.
So there it is: my main goal. Weight aside, I want to be healthy.
My former diet of pizza rolls and donuts is now obsolete to me... and I've picked up (in just a week) an array of foods that make me feel much better after eating, as well as throughout the day... and instead of just one meal at night before bed after munching on donuts all night at work, I've been eating 2 big meals a day (about 400 calories each) with plenty of snacks in between to hit my goal of 1200--I generally go over by some; up to 100, but not usually over.
So right now... I'd like to ask anyone who may have taken the time to read this: what types of foods do you eat? I need some more variety. XD