Parents: Changing Family Diet?

Has your eating healthier impacted how your family eats as a whole? I started on this journey my intent was just to make MY food healthier, but as I experiment w/ new ingredients & recipes I find myself changing what I feed my son (12mo).

Some snacks (fresh/frozen fruits, fresh/frozen veggies, beans, whole grains, full fat cheeses) make me feel really proud & some of our previous staples (puffs/crunchies, teething/animal crackers, sweetened fruit leather) make me really feel crummy. It makes me SO glad that I am starting this journey now while my son is very young... I hope this sets the tone for him growing up in a home filled w/ more fresh produce & fewer processed foods!


  • sally884
    sally884 Posts: 51
    Yes! My son who is 2 has always been a great eater but now I am way more conscious on when I cook for the family (butter,sauces, serving size etc)...I used to just think about myself and now I see my husbands tummy slimming down and he doesn't know why. I haven't told him hehe
    The healthier I eat the more my son wants to as well!

    Great job :) happy healthy mom happy family!