Anyone in their early 20s looking to lose 20-40 lbs?

What do you find works best?
I am starting to make the switch to healthier alternatives to everyday foods, such as Almond milk and low carb breads.
Also, I find making things from scratch instead of prepackaged is also a way to get rid of unnecessary calories!


  • salemnye
    salemnye Posts: 305 Member
    I'm 23 and I need to lose about 56 pounds but I'd be happy if I only lost 40. Yeah I'm trying to cut out packaged foods too. They are awfully convenient tho.
  • Feel free to add me :)
  • I'm 20 And I need to lose about 30 pounds. I find that staying away from packaged foods seems to help. I took an aerobics class which helped me get into better shape last spring. I got down to 152 pounds because of it. I've gained back some weight since then though, but I'm still determined to reach my goal of 130 pounds before this summer.

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  • Shelly_here
    Shelly_here Posts: 44 Member
    I'm 24 and looking to lose 30 lbs... just came back from travelling which was an amazing experience but think I enjoyed the local cuisine a little too much! My big problem is exercising, joining the local gym on tuesday so fingers crossed I get my bum into gear!
  • I tried to do the gym, but without a car, it's so hard! I don't like the looks of pervy men while I am riding on the subway home. It's unnerving.
  • I'm 22 and have 28 lbs. to lose.
  • I just turned 23 and have probably 20 more pounds of fat to lose, and replace with muscle instead! I've lost 30 so far.

    I switched to a ketogenic diet in January. Worked wonders for me. Not sure why I didn't try it sooner.
  • krennie8
    krennie8 Posts: 301 Member
    27, hoping to lose another 32lbs :)