Used to be 11.5 stone, now 17. I can't face it again.

PLEASE, if you've lost weight, put it back on and lost it again... help me :(

When I was 16 and 17 years old I went from 18 stone to 11.5. Then my stupid teenage brain thought, okay I'm done now! I'm thin, woohoo! And I just sat back and let the weight pile back on again.

With Uni life and moving out for the first time and family stress I just didn't watch what I was doing.

Now I look back and I'm 17 stone again, almost back to square one. I'm only 20 but I just can't face doing it all again. I feel like it was all for nothing. I've got a long-term knee injury which makes walking painful let alone any other exercise, and even swimming is painful so I can't lose the weight through running like last time.

I feel so stupid for letting the weight go back on. How can I lose it all again when I feel so disgusting and trapped in my flat with my injured knee? I think about the fact that I am fat every single day and I'm so miserable again. :( please help. I just want advice, support and any stories about losers/gainers/losers again.


  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    You lose weight by eating at a deficit. Period. Exercise allows you to eat more, but it's not necessary.

    Log everything you eat & drink accurately & honestly. That's it. Logging is simple, but it ain't easy.

    Read this:
  • melissamarah
    melissamarah Posts: 168 Member
    I lost over 50 lbs. in 2009, kept it off for nearly a year. Then we moved to a new city, I didn't have money for a gym membership, and I let my weight creep back up. I gained a little more than 40 of those pounds back.

    The link to the "sexypants" post above is really helpful. Just take a deep breath and know that you can do it! Just log everything you eat, maybe get a bit of light exercise in, and I suggest reading up on macros and other nutritional information.

    Good luck! Slow and steady wins the race.
  • Nana_Anne
    Nana_Anne Posts: 179 Member
    I lost nearly 65 pounds. (don't know in stones but was huge!) Over a year I gained 34 pounds back. 5 pounds here 3 there, in little amounts that seemed not so bad but added up. Then reality of cloths not fighting or tight. I refuse to buy new ones. Now I have gone back. Exercise is a big key to me. I was saying all kinds of bad things about myself. Then one day I is what it is....I go from here and except and love myself for today. An inventory is not about good and bad, just as we take an inventory before going to the store of our cupboards. Look at the areas you can change and just start with one. I know you can and will accomplish your goals. With God all things are possible!
  • Iknowsaur
    Iknowsaur Posts: 777 Member
    I went from 250 to 180 at 15 o-^ Maintained for two years. After starting college + other crap, I'm up to 280. You're not alone.

    Feel free to add me <3
  • chunkybun
    chunkybun Posts: 179 Member
    I keep losing the same 10 pounds over and over again. I know the struggle and frustration of it all.

    So what's different this time?

    Sustainable changes. Super restrictive diets are not long term. Smaller portion sizes and smart eating are.

    Don't deny yourself treats and rest days, but don't make them the norm anymore. Dessert used to be a daily for me and no big deal. Now, it's a special occasion thing and I enjoy it much more when I have it.

    Find a work out regimen that you enjoy. If you try something and don't like it, you haven't failed, you've learned that it's not right for you. Move on, try something new. There is something active out there you will enjoy, and look forward to doing.