PHO ? calories!?

I love Pho... i go for Pho about once a week and dont want to consider it a cheat meal... i have entered it different ways into the database and the calories seem really unclear. they range from 340 to 1000!!!!
i usually order a "small" (about 3 or 4 cups worth of broth i think) raw beef Pho with half the serving of noodles they would usually put in... (probably a full cup still) I also add a little bit of hoison and siracha sauce and the basil, and sprouts.... i entered it at 600 cals today to be safe but im scared that it way more... im not too concerned about the sodium because everything else i eat is low on sodium and i drink more water that day.


  • aquarabbit
    aquarabbit Posts: 1,622 Member
    Just do the best you can with what you can find in the database. That's what I do with pretty much anything from a restaurant. I have a favorite Pho dish that I get all the time too! And I asked the waitress to help me guess at about how much. That helped me narrow down my search. Otherwise, if there are tons of options that all range, I'll usually try to overestimate just to be on the safe side. Especially with the sodium. I balloon like crazy if I get too much!
  • astronomicals
    astronomicals Posts: 1,537 Member
    Veggie, tofu, prime, chicken? How much noodles?

    I consider a huge bowl of prime to be like 800-900. I wouldnt worry much about it. Depends how oily it is but 600 seems safe. All the sauces and herbs are a negligible amount of calories. Its just high in salt as you said.

    I consider pho to be a rejuvenating healthy meal.

    Phock it. Eat up.