Giving Up

I read a post yesterday were someone was giving up going out to eat for the month of October. I don't eat out a lot so I was thinking of something I could just give up for the month. I don't eat a lot of sweet and I don't like chocolate, yea people think I am crazy for not like chocolate. But I do love my diet coke everyday. So I made a ticker tracker for giving up my diet coke for 31 days. What can you all think of to give up for a month.


  • Maggie1960
    For me, it would have to be alcohol - I'm no lush, but I do enjoy a glass or two of good red wine at the weekend. So I'll pledge to stop that for the month of October.
  • Clew
    Clew Posts: 910 Member
    I gave up getting on the scale for a whole month a while back ... it's the best thing I ever did! :bigsmile: Totally turned my whole perspective around, and I still only weigh once a month anymore. Challenges are great. Best of luck!
  • katkat987
    katkat987 Posts: 100 Member
    Im currently attempting giving up sugar in tea, and its been a week already =)
  • michellemae24
    michellemae24 Posts: 20 Member
    After seeing topic I was worried you were giving up altogether. So glad to see you're not!
  • katschy
    I don't care much for chocolate either! So you're not alone :smile: Best of luck for October!

    I usually go for lunch every other week with my sister-in-law and niece, which is usually my junk-food treat to myself; I'll give up not the lunch dates but the junk, and will have healthy lunches with them instead :)
  • rosef17
    I will give up snacks like tortillo chips, pretzels, etc - I definitely had made progress, but still need improvement. (By the way I do not like chocolate either :ohwell: )
  • twnzmom
    twnzmom Posts: 182 Member
    Joyce how did you make the ticker tracker. I created one in Ticker Factory but couldn't figure out how to plub into MFP. Can you help me
  • jessicajm
    I'll give up Kit-kats! ok... I'll give up Chocolate in general. :ohwell: :wink:
  • sarahliftsUP
    sarahliftsUP Posts: 752 Member
    Well this is scary! haha but I'm going to give up sugar in my tea/coffee as well.
    I used to have two teaspoons of sugar, then cut it down to one.. so I guess now is the time to cut it out all together.

    Lets see what happens, one month of no sugar in tea/coffee.. maybe it will stick!

    Great idea. The title of this topic scared me as well as I thought you were giving up losing weight!

    Good luck to everyone who is giving up a bad habit for a month! We can do this!
  • lloydrt
    lloydrt Posts: 1,121 Member
    Clew, in regards to only weighing yourself one a month, I can kinda reltate, but mines more of a weekly, as opposed to 2 times a week originally........I got hot when Id really push myself only to see the numbers stay the same.......

    What really really motivates me, and keeps me focused is pulling something out of my closet that I havent been able to fit in for DECADES, lol......and see if I can just barely squeeze into it, then focus on what parts aren't fitting too well, i.e, my butt, then working on that area at the gym...........

    there are 3 machines I use to help with the extra weight on my thighs and buttocks........the treadmill really really did a great job for losing weght and taking lots of fat off of my rear end............

    I now really really focus on my old clothes, and wow, its the best feeling being able to slide into a pair of jeans that I havent worn in........

    well, let me say this, I have a pair of Calvin Kleins that are about 15 years old and Im focusing on trying to fit into em, but theyre outta style, lol

    By giving up Mexican food for a whole month should be a sacrifice that will pay off, so Hasta La Vista Comida de Mexicana

    Take care and good luck in your weight loss.......Lloyd
  • repochick
    repochick Posts: 40 Member
    I am not sure what to give up!!! I love my chocolate but I have a bad habit of eating it late a night. I also like my occasional glass of wine on the weekend. Hmmmm....I think I will do the late night snacking and no chocolate. Man this is going to be hard. Good Luck!!
  • 2BaNewMe2
    2BaNewMe2 Posts: 102 Member
    My downfall is potatoes (any kind). I will give up ALL potatoes for the month of October!!! I may need alot of help doing this. Good luck everyone!!!
  • mykaar74
    as hard as I know it is going to be I am willing to go cold turkey & give up my Pepsis. I drink atleast a 20oz pepsi a day, and on stressful days (whew one like today, although I am proud of myself I only had one) two. I know they aren't healthy for me especially my kidneys but wow they tasteso GOOOOODDDD, and they are my QUICK RELEASE STRESS REMOVERS...oh my bad let me get back on track here, whew I love my Pepsi.

    However once again, I'm vowing to give up PEPSI for the whole month of October, so that means right now I have 6 days to enjoy the love of my life... :-)
  • stephr2014
    stephr2014 Posts: 311 Member
    I've already started on giving up soda and its been going ok so far but I guess now I will give up on the snacking like chips,candy etc.
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    I am going to give up going to the vending machine for that 2:30 snack. I have fallen off the wagon of bringing my healthy snacks to work and fell into the getting the granola bar out of the vending machine which turned into 3 musketeers bar (since it has 1/3 less fat) so of course it was the healthy choice. :blushing: Hopefully this will get me back in the habit of bring my snacks to work.
  • Beebee78
    I have given up weighing myself - trainers orders. If I could find the scales ( my hubby has hidden them and taken the batteries out of the wii fit board) it would be every day. Now I am learning to take pride in my body shape changing through diet and exercise without knowing how much I have lost. I find it frustrating not being able to update my ticker but when I weigh in in 2 months time it will be worth it! xxx
  • CombatVet_Armywife
    For me, it would have to be alcohol - I'm no lush, but I do enjoy a glass or two of good red wine at the weekend. So I'll pledge to stop that for the month of October.

    Wow, excellent post and excellent idea! When I found this post I struggled to find something I could give up. I asked my husband to help me think of something. Not to sound 'goody goody', but neither of us could come up with anything. I am quite set on having good habits and eating right.
    The ONLY indulgence I have is enjoying wine on the weekends, Friday and sometimes Saturday nights. I already stopped drinking wine nightly and cut it down to weekends only. Since this was the only indulgence I have, it is pretty much my only option. And I do want to challenge myself with this 'giving up' idea, so I'm giving it a shot. Good luck to everyone else who is participating...I know mine may be a struggle....wishing us ALL the best!! :flowerforyou:
  • taherickson
    I want in! Im going to give up the "White Carbs" for the month of October. I LOVE LOVE LOVE bread, Potatoes, and any form of pasta! But with pcos my body does not process them normally. This will be one of the hardest things ever but Im hoping with this challange I will no longer crave these bad things!
  • yourmamasaidwha
    I love you guys! I don't know what the whole deal is w/chocolate anyhow...I've never been partial, but my family acts as if they can't exist w/out it and it's almost like a girlfriend on the don't take it away from them, I just don't serve it to myself...granted, there are recipes that call for the decadence of chocolate, but that's when I use it...and only then...

    I do prefer to have chocolate in chili...dark bakers chocolate...that's it...and there's barely any...rock on to all of you! I'm still trying to figure out what to give it! I will give up half the sugar I put in my coffee. I save most of my sugar for my coffee in the morning...aww, good bye half of my sugar, thanks a lot, Starbucks! (my mother and starbucks are to blame with my sugar in coffee obsession...and mine, for continuing to use it)
  • cshaffer213
    I gave up getting on the scale for a whole month a while back ... it's the best thing I ever did! :bigsmile: Totally turned my whole perspective around, and I still only weigh once a month anymore. Challenges are great. Best of luck!

    That's a great idea!! It can become very discouraging if you are constantly stepping on that scale and not seeing any results! I might try and give that up as well! :D