need help

My first day at fitness pal and can use any suggestions to help me lose 10-15 lbs. not much on exercising

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  • Amarillo_NDN
    Amarillo_NDN Posts: 1,018 Member
    Very simple, eat leass than what you burn. *wink*
  • daj150
    daj150 Posts: 815 Member
    Good news, exercise is a rather small percentage of what you need to do. It's all about how and what you eat. Eat healthy, make sure you don't eat too much fat, sugars, carbs, and get lots of vitamins, fiber, and protein. Drink at least 8 cups of water per day, and try to stay within your calorie limit. Exercise is important for toning, speeding up progress, increasing your overall endurance and energy, and to keep your body in good shape.

    Exercise alone will not work unless you have an exercise routine that mimics professional athletes or Olympians.
  • Beebee78
    eat healthily and drink plenty of water xxx
  • DanOhh
    DanOhh Posts: 1,806 Member
    Welcome to MFP! Water, water, water. Drink plenty of it and get rid of the pop. I know you said you're not much into exercising but you don't have to do much but try to get some in. Just try walking a little more and that can help you get your metabolism going and get the weight off easier. Good luck!
  • Supermel
    Supermel Posts: 612 Member
    In order for me to stay within my calorie allotment without exercising to get extra calories I must drink at lesat 12 cups of water and up my protein a lot (more than MFP's reccomendations)
  • suzikelley
    suzikelley Posts: 210 Member
    It helps me a lot to choose foods high in protein and fiber - I stay fuller longer and don't feel deprived. And as far as exercising... even going for a short walk helps - it doesn't have to be super fast walking, just moving! Good luck - you've found the right place to help you succeed your goals! :-)
  • TessieDue
    Make sure that your head is in the right place. Ask yourself "Am I changing the way I eat just to loose weight or am I doing it to be healthy and be myself to the fullest". If you are in it to be healthy it will be easier to make healthy choices in food, drink and activity.
    Eating real, whole foods - not processed food - will help you to feel more full on fewer calories and help you to boost your metabolism (processed food is already somewhat broken down so your body does less work, burning fewer calories, to break it down). Drink lots of water too - it is important for our bodies to be well hydrated.
    As far as exercise goes, I am pretty limited on free time between work and school so I fit in short walks on my breaks at work (a great way to rest your eyes from the computer too!), I do yoga once a week (really enjoyable and stress-reducing) and I try to be active on the weekends. And, again, make sure your head is in the right place with activity - "I am doing this so I will have a healthy heart and good circulation - its about my health and wellbeing".